
Am I therefore become your enemy for telling you the truth?”

The Apostle Paul   Galatians 4:16

Responses    to Contra Craig



Fran Nevue  2-24-03



the time machine question 


2/24/03 8:44:19 AM Pacific Standard Time





Hello Mark..

How are you?  I hope everything is going well.

I found your website interesting because I'm a big fan of Dr. Craig.  Naturally, i disagree with many of the things you have written, but I hope that doesn't make us enemies.  You had said that you  "welcome all to submit their best arguments and articles or links to such, in this endeavor", and so I wanted to take this opportunity to give my opinion of how some of the things you've raised are erroneous or mistaken.

I could literally go thru your entire website and point out what I see as many errors, but I don't have the time to do that in one sitting and so I thought I would start off with your "time machine" question to Dr. Craig.

You wrote:

"Dr. Craig, for the sake of argument let's pretend that a time machine gets built. You and I hop in it, and travel back to the day before Easter, 33 AD. We park it outside the tomb of Jesus. We wait. Easter morning rolls around, and nothing happens. We continue to wait. After several weeks of waiting, still nothing happens. There is no resurrection-Jesus is quietly rotting away in the tomb.

I asked him, given this scenario, would he then give up his Christianity? Having seen with his own eyes that there was no resurrection of Jesus, having been an eyewitness to the fact that Christianity has been based upon a fraud and a lie, would he NOW renounce Christianity? His answer was shocking, and quite unexpected.

He told me, face to face, that he would STILL believe in Jesus, he would STILL believe in the resurrection, and he would STILL remain a Christian. When asked, in light of his being a personal eyewitness to the fact that there WAS no resurrection, he replied that due to the witness of the "holy spirit" within him, he would assume a trick of some sort had been played on him while watching Jesus' tomb. This self-induced blindness astounded me."

At first I thought your "time machine" question was interesting and it made me think (which I thoroughly enjoy doing), but upon reflection it became obvious what the problem was with your "time machine" question.

To show you the mistake (in my opinion), let me give you the same kind of question, but it will be designed with you in mind... using your objective experience.

Let's suppose you and I go back to the moment and place you were born.  And we would know this by your parents testimony and also by your birth certificate.  Now, let's be real safe and arrive at this place a week or two before you were born.  Now let's suppose we wait, and wait, and wait, but we never see you being born.  In fact, we see that your mom is not even pregnant.  Now, after a few months of waiting... if we don't see that you were born, then what are we to conclude?   Well, since we KNOW you were born, then obviously in this case we CAN'T rely on our senses and objective experience because something screwy is obviously going on.  Because we know that you were born, you would HAVE to make the same conclusion that Dr. Craig made in his answer to you.

Mark here}     If this were to happen, I would assume that my parents had lied about giving birth to me. I would assume that I had actually been adopted, and that my parents had wanted to hide that fact from me- as parents oft times do from their adopted children. I would also assume they had gotten the birth certificate altered to reflect the fiction, again, as adapters oft times do. This would be the logical response. Craig's response to seeing no zombie Jesus was NOT logical, but rather emotional. His blind love of his JeJuice blinds him to the obvious, just as YOU assumed my love for (who I thought were) my parents would blind ME. Sorry, I'm not blind. 


"You would have to  tell me, face to face, that you would STILL believe that you were born, you would STILL believe in your existence, and you would STILL remain convinced that your parents conceived you.   And when asked, in light of you being a personal eyewitness to the fact that there WAS no birth of you, you would have to reply that due to the inner confidence and assurance you have because you do in fact exist and therefore had to have been born,  you would naturally have to assume a trick of some sort had been played on you while watching at the moment and place of your own suppossed birth."

   If you responded in the above way, would it then be fair for me to then turn around and say that "you self-induced blindness astounds me."?  Of course not.  Obviously, objective experience will not always accurately record what  really happened.

We can do this "time machine example"  with ANY historical event.  JFK's assasination... The signing of the Declaration of Independence... the 3 championship wins by the Lakers,  World War II, etc, etc, etc.   Just because our minds are agile and creative enough to think of interesting thought experiments which can be logical, it does NOT follow that it will always reveal any truth or insight about reality.

Mark here}     So.... eyewitnesses to actual events are worthless, is what I hear you saying. I hate to say this, but if what you're saying is true, you just shot down Craig and every other Christian apologist, because THAT is one of their major arguments!!!


Now, the ONLY way your "time machine" question works, is if we FIRST assume that a particular experience MAY NOT HAVE HAPPENED.   But that would be "begging the question", would it not?   IF the resurrection of Jesus DID HAPPEN (like your birth, JFK's assasination, etc), then you can plainly see how your "time machine question" doesn't make sense IN THE SAME WAY that it doesn't make sense with the above examples, UNLESS there is indeed a trick being played on you (like a Twilight Zone episode).   Does Dr. Craig... or Should Dr. Craig have that much confidence in the Resurrection of Jesus as you naturally would have about your own birth or in the fact that JFK was assasinated?  You may not think so, but Dr. Craig does think so... and that is the debate... which then returns us to the proper discussion of what evidence Dr. Craig has which would give him that kind of confidence.

You wrote:

"Some ancient Christian monks took a vow of not talking- Craig is taking a vow of not thinking. I would expect such subjective drivel, and have experienced such, from  Mormon missionaries with their "burning in the bosom" crap (see section "Is Craig Coming Out of The Closet?"). Hearing it come from Dr. William Lane Craig saddened me more than anything, proving that "Christianity Causes Brain Death" is more than just a slogan."

With all due respect, such language and opinions are really silly and childish (which is why i suspect Dr. Craig does not wish to debate you).    Let me give you some examples in the real world which shows how intellectually unfair you are being in your characterization of Dr. Craig and Christians.  

1)  There is NO way you can prove that "logic" is logical or reasonable or rational without engaging in circular reasoning... and yet we all accept that logic is logical and reasonable.  We think this not thru any "thinking' or "rational" deduction, but because we realize that logic is self-evidently logical and rational.  

2)  Here's another... we also CAN'T mathematically prove that 1+1=2, and yet we "know" it to be true... not thru any proofs (because it's impossible), but because it's self-evident.

These are only two of many, many "First principles" and "self-evident" opinions which we accept in philosophy and logic and math and science, but which we can't prove.  Does that mean we are "taking a vow of not thinking" when we accept these first principles with no proofs?   Are we accepting these first principles and self-evident propositions because of some kind of "burning in the bosom"?  Of course not.  

Mark here}     So what exactly is Fran proposing here- that we take logic and science and throw them in the dumpster and return to swinging in the trees??? Of course, alot of religions would like this, for science tends to disprove religions.

In the same way, NO Christian accepts the teachings of Christ or the Bible based on some kind of "burning of the bosom"... NOT EVEN Dr. Craig.    No where does the term "burning of the bosom" even occur in the Bible or in the teachings of Christ or in Dr. Craig's literature or from ANY OTHER Christian apologist.   Obviously (to me anyway), it is YOU who is assuming that the Mormon "burning in the bosom" is equal and/or the same as Dr. Craig's confidence in the truth of the resurrection of Jesus apart from evidences.   But that simply does not logically follow... you are making a straw man argument based on a misunderstanding of what Christians are taught and teach.

Mormon's believe in Jospeh smith's teachings EVEN if they are contradicted by facts and evidences, which is WHY they fall back on this "burning of the bosom".   But this is clearly NOT the case with Christianity. 

Mark here}     Uhhh, sorry, but this is EXACTLY what Craig is doing, and most people who read my "Contra Craig" web page acknowledge this- even Christians, to their sorrow. Craig- AND the Mormons, have the attitude of "Damn the evidence! Full speed ahead with my faith!!!"

 Even when we read Dr. Craig's opinion about magesterial and ministrial uses of reason, NO WHERE does he claim that there is ANY evidence which can be found that would contradict Christianity.   And THAT is the difference between Mormonism and Christianity.   If you disagree, then ALL you need to do is give a piece of evidence or fact that DOES contradict Christianity, and then, AND ONLY THEN can we then say that Christianity is doing the same thing as Mormons in this "burning of the bosom" thing.   Dr. Craig can make his statements about reason precisely BECAUSE he knows that there are NO evidences or facts that do contradict Christianity or the teaching's of Christ.

Mark here}     Which is WHY I gave him the Time Machine scenario- I wanted to see how Craig would handle a concrete piece of evidence that contradicted his religion, and in my mind, and the mind of MOST Christians, he blew it. He showed himself to be just a user of evidence when it suits him.


Anyway, i apologize for rambling on.  Please accept this letter in the spirit intended.  I'm not your enemy and i hold no animosity toward you.  It's just that I simply disagree with some of your stated viewpoints, and i wanted to give what I think is a reasonend response to you.  I thank you for allowing me to write to you and for this discussion with.

Take care, and have a wonderful day.

Fran Nevue




Fran Nevue 3-4-03


Re: the time machine question  


3/4/03 12:35:22 AM Pacific Standard Time





Hello Mark..

How are you?  I hope everything is going well for you and your family.

Thank you so much for responding to my first email to you in such a timely manner.  You demonstrated much intelligence and i appreciated that you reprinted my entire email (with no editing) to ensure that nothing would be taken out of context.   The following is my answer to your responses.  I wasnt' sure how much of the last post you would want to include, so i basically kept everything intact, and just typed my answers in blue, to your responses which were in red.


My Original Email:

(In your web page you wrote...)

"Dr. Craig, for the sake of argument let's pretend that a time machine gets built. You and I hop in it, and travel back to the day before Easter, 33 AD. We park it outside the tomb of Jesus. We wait. Easter morning rolls around, and nothing happens. We continue to wait. After several weeks of waiting, still nothing happens. There is no resurrection-Jesus is quietly rotting away in the tomb.

I asked him, given this scenario, would he then give up his Christianity? Having seen with his own eyes that there was no resurrection of Jesus, having been an eyewitness to the fact that Christianity has been based upon a fraud and a lie, would he NOW renounce Christianity? His answer was shocking, and quite unexpected.

He told me, face to face, that he would STILL believe in Jesus, he would STILL believe in the resurrection, and he would STILL remain a Christian. When asked, in light of his being a personal eyewitness to the fact that there WAS no resurrection, he replied that due to the witness of the "holy spirit" within him, he would assume a trick of some sort had been played on him while watching Jesus' tomb. This self-induced blindness astounded me."

At first I thought your "time machine" question was interesting and it made me think (which I thoroughly enjoy doing), but upon reflection it became obvious what the problem was with your "time machine" question.

To show you the mistake (in my opinion), let me give you the same kind of question, but it will be designed with you in mind... using your objective experience.

Let's suppose you and I go back to the moment and place you were born.  And we would know this by your parents testimony and also by your birth certificate.  Now, let's be real safe and arrive at this place a week or two before you were born.  Now let's suppose we wait, and wait, and wait, but we never see you being born.  In fact, we see that your mom is not even pregnant.  Now, after a few months of waiting... if we don't see that you were born, then what are we to conclude?   Well, since we KNOW you were born, then obviously in this case we CAN'T rely on our senses and objective experience because something screwy is obviously going on.  Because we know that you were born, you would HAVE to make the same conclusion that Dr. Craig made in his answer to you.

Mark here-1}     If this were to happen, I would assume that my parents had lied about giving birth to me. I would assume that I had actually been adopted, and that my parents had wanted to hide that fact from me- as parents oft times do from their adopted children. I would also assume they had gotten the birth certificate altered to reflect the fiction, again, as adapters oft times do. This would be the logical response.

Fran's response here-2}     This is indeed a logical response to the way i had framed my scenario and i applaud your evident sharp mind.  But all you have done is delay the inevitable and pushed the argument back one step.   Although i myself am adopted, i hadn't thought of your answer as a possibility, and therefore did not frame the scenario in  precise enough terms which considered other alternatives.  As i'm sure you are well aware, precise language is so incredibly important whenever we frame hypothetical or realistic questions.   So in the interest of demonstrating the inherent weakness of your "time machine question" and that Dr. Craig's answer was the ONLY logical and available answer, i will take the SAME scenario of your birth and try to be more precise so as to close up any possible loopholes.  This will hopefully give us a  more accurate idea of the position that Dr. Craig was facing when you asked him the "time machine" question.... and also to show the inherent weakness of your question... namely that the "time machine" scenario is really a false dilemma.

So then... let's suppose that you had considered the possibility that you were adopted BEFORE you and i left in your time machine to arrive at the moment of your birth.  With this in mind, we therefore wisely decide to have you and your parents take a DNA test (more than one if needed for assurance) to see if you are INDEED the biological son of your mom and dad.  Let's assume that the findings show that you are.   We've now closed the possibility that there was any adoption.

However, knowing that you are a skeptical and a very bright person, let's endeavor to refine the scenario even more so as to close a few more possible loopholes.   Let's say we have the best forsensic specialists go over your birth certificate and they have determined that it is genuine and not a forgery.  We also had other well respected specialists track down the doctors and nurses who vouched that you were indeed born to your mom at the place and location stated on the birth certificate.  We also confirm their accounts thru billings and charges that were incurred during your birth at the hospital.    And guess what?  We happen to be in luck because your parents had the fortunate foresight to have videotaped your birth... and also had the doctors and nurses and your relatives all interviewed on the tape to vouch for the truthfullness of everything you see on the tape concerning your birth.  Can you think of any other loopholes?  If so, let me know, and i'll plug them as well.

If necessary, we could go and on like this for every "loophole" you may find...  but the POINT here is the SAME point i was trying to make with my other examples of historical experiences and facts like the JFK assasination, WW II and the 3 championship wins by the lakers... (we can also add the WTC tragedy to that list).    If we take an historical event that we know actually happened, and if we apply your "time machine question" to it and we go back to the time that these events occured... and we then encounter a situation that shows it DIDN'T occur, then OUR ONLY LOGICAL explanation is the EXACT one that Dr. Craig gave you when you asked him about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.   We KNOW that the WTC was destroyed when  two hijacked planes crashed into them.  And we KNOW when it happened and we also know that many people lost their lives.  So HOW ELSE could we explain what we see and objectively experience if we were to go back in time and DON'T see the WTC EVER being destroyed?   Obviously, something screwy is going on... and in this situation we COULDN'T rely on our objective experience because we KNOW the WTC was destroyed.  So we would be FORCED to make the same conclusion that Dr. Craig did... and that there must be some kind of trick going on to fool us.  That's why your "time machine question" is a false dilemma.  There IS a 3rd possible rational explanation... and that is we could be encountering a deception or a trick being played on us.

Mark here-2}   What you are implying is that the resurrection of Jesus is a known FACT, not an issue of FAITH, and is as well proven and evidenced as the World Trade Center's demise. You are implying that something for which we have thousands of living eyewitnesses and a pile of rubble and and several video tapes of IS EQUAL TO IN PROOF to the unsubstantiated claims in an ancient religious text??? Yes, this is exactly what you are implying. Sorry, your analogy breaks down because of this. 


This is the inherent flaw and weakness of your "time machine" question.  It doesn't make sense for historical events.  Now... the only question left is if the resurrection of Jesus Christ is an historical event that actually happened... see?  If we don't know, then your "time machine  question" makes some sense... but if we DO know, then your "time machine question" DOESN'T make sense (just as it doesn't make sense in the WTC example and the others listed above).   But untill we look at the evidence and the facts, your "time machine question" doesn't help us to find out what the real truth is.  By asking the question before examining the evidence, you are basically "putting the cart before the horse". 

Mark here-2}   But you DON'T know- THAT'S my whole point!!!! What you have is F-A-I-T-H. Why do you think Jesus said to Thomas "you have believed because you saw. Blessed are those that haven't seen, and believe" if F-A-I-T-H were not the core issue??? IF Thomas really DID see and touch the zombie Jesus THEN there is no FAITH- but rather objective evidence- I hope you can see the difference! When Craig says he BELIEVES Jesus rose from the dead, he is making a statement of FAITH, not FACT. Craig is not Thomas, and has NOT stuck his hand into a side wound of goo. 

And to claim that the four gospels, written BY Christians FOR Christians ABOUT Christians, constitute reliable accurate history- let me ask you this: how trustworthy and objective would four histories of Mormonism be if written by four fanatical rabid Mormons more than willing to die for their faith??? Do you think they would be "objective reporters of the facts" or rather impassioned preachers of Mormon myths??? Do you think they would tell the truth of what happened to drive the Mormons out of Ohio, out of Missouri, and out of Illinois?  Do you think they would give an OBJECTIVE and truthful account of The Mountain Meadows Massacre??? Of course not, and you'd be a FOOL to trust their "histories" without a healthy grain of salt. GIVEN THAT- likewise anyone would be a damn FOOL to trust the gospels with their life. UNTIL you agree to trust EVERYTHING four Mormon historians wrote about early Mormonism, you shouldn't expect ME to trust everything Matthew, Mark, Luke or John wrote about Jesus.

Now... Dr. Craig feels that there are MORE than enough facts and  evidence for a reasonable person to conclude rationally and logically and reliably that the Resurrection of Jesus Christ actually did occur.  If you disagree with Dr. Craig, then you NEED to counter or argue the FACTS that Dr. Craig presents...NOT engage in a thought experiment which does not shed any light on whether something ACTUALLY occured or not.  If Dr.Craig is convinced BECAUSE of evidences and facts which he feels are very strong for the logical conlcusion that the resurrection of Jesus Christ actually occured, then his answer  to your "time machine question" was the ONLY logical one for him to give.  Your "time machine" question commits the false dilemma fallacy because you won't take into account the possibility that a trick is INDEED being played on you. 

Mark here-2}   The Time Machine question quickly gets to the foundation of Craig's problem- it cuts to the core issue: how does Craig approach REAL facts and evidence when they go against his religious traditions??? One needs to know this BEFORE he invests the time and effort digging up facts and evidence. IF Craig won't believe the GREATEST evidence possible- his own seeing eyes- he certainly won't believe LESSER evidence. That being the case, then why bother spending years presenting secondary evidence in an attempt to challenge Craig's mind when he's already admitted he wouldn't even listen to PRIMARY evidence and THAT from his own eyes??? Craig is totally BEYOND evidence and reason and facts, so why should anyone waste further time trying to convince him WITH evidence and reason and facts???

Look at it this way: substitute the current living Mormon prophet for Craig. Bring this prophet back in the same time machine to that day in the woods of Palmyra, New York, where Joseph said the angels appeared to him. Let him see that NOTHING HAPPENED- no angels, no gold plates, no lights from heaven. NOW- if this modern prophet IGNORED what he saw with his OWN EYES because he had an "inner testimony of the Holy Spirit" JUST LIKE CRAIG burning within his bosum, there is NOTHING Craig could say to him that wouldn't smack of hypocrisy and double standard.

The core issue here is to whom you pledge your allegiance:    insanity (internal "still small voices")  --or-- sanity (objective external evidence). Please go read my web page Schizophrenia and Personal Revelations and then go take a look at Voices In Our Head.  Then let me know which is more likely: that the Lord of the entire universe comes down to hold personal conversations with Bill Craig,  --or-- Craig has a form of schizophrenia. That "still small voice" that Christians brag about so much- is it Biblegod, or schizophrenia? And how does one know the difference? What external objective test is to be used when to the schizophrenic their visions are as real as the keyboard and monitor in front of you?  ANYONE who listens to the voices or feelings within their head more than to the REAL world, is by definition out of touch with reality- period. End of story. And it doesn't matter if it's self-induced insanity- religion is infamous for that.

I'm sorry for this long explanation, but i thought all of this was evident in my original post, but obviously i was not clear enough.  I honestly apologize for my lack of preciseness.   Obviously (to me anyway) the "time machine question" is important to you, and so i wanted to take the necessary time and care (in this subsequent post) to explain this in more detail so that you and others could hopefully better understand my objections to your "time machine question".

Mark here-1 (continued from above)}    Craig's response to seeing no zombie Jesus was NOT logical, but rather emotional. His blind love of his JeJuice blinds him to the obvious, just as YOU assumed my love for (who I thought were) my parents would blind ME. Sorry, I'm not blind.

Fran's response here-2}

1)  Dr. Craig's response was the ONLY logical explanation when confronted with an experience which contradicted an historical fact.  If you disagree that the resurrection of Jesus Christ was an historical fact, then you NEED to attack the reasons and evidences that Dr. Craig brings to the discussion.

Mark here-2}   To the contrary, Craig has already confessed his disdain for such trifling matters as facts and evidence. In the words of somebody lost to history, "Don't confuse me with the truth; my mind's already made up."


2)   Jesus DOES NOT qualify as being a zombie according to the dictionary or by common sense.  According to Meriam-Webster a zombie is defined - a : the supernatural power that according to voodoo belief may enter into and reanimate a dead body b : a will-less and speechless human in the West Indies capable only of automatic movement who is held to have died and been supernaturally reanimated .   Jesus, by all eyewitness accounts was NOT "will-less or speechless" or was ONLY capable of automatic movement after His resurrection.   If you were to mention the word zombie to ANYONE picked from any crowd of ordinary people,  they will think of someone who acts "will-less" and "mindless" and who acts like they are only moving automatically with no sense of "will" (like in the clut classic "Night of the Living Dead").... so common sense here also tells us that the word zombie does not qualify for Jesus.  In fact, His discples and followers WOULD NOT have been willing to have gone to their death if Jesus was indeed a zombie and acted like a zombie (who would?).  So your use of the word "zombie" is not only nonsensical, but it does not logically apply to Jesus according to the dictionary.

Mark here-2}   Well, next time someone pops out of a grave and you're running sacred out of your wits, maybe YOU could stop to ask just exactly WHICH kind of reanimated corpse they are- but I sure as hell am not!!! But in reality, since there are no real Zombies nor resurrected corpses, we may as well be geeks arguing over the fine points of an ancient Star Trek episode.


3)  Your use of the word "JeJuice" instead of Jesus also shows incredible immaturity.  How can you be taken seriously when you use language like this?   If you don't accept that Jesus was the Son of God and that He died and rose again for Your sins... fine... but why use juvenile language and expressions?   Above, you claimed that Dr. Craig was "rather emotional ".  Well, your use of terms like "JeJuice" seems to indicate (to me anyway), that it is YOU who is rather emotional AND objectively blind to the question of Jesus Christ.  Even confirmed atheists like Bertrand Russell never expressed himself with juvenile language like you do.  I know you are bright, so why do you do it?

Mark here-2}   Well, excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me! Perhaps you have never listened to the TBN network on TV, or been to a good old fashioned tent revival- but I have, and have heard all sorts of warped pronunciations of Biblical terms: "Gawd" for God, "Geeee-SUS" for Jesus, "Pah-Raise" for praise, "holyghost!" for Holy Ghost, and "IS-Ray-el" for Israel. While I'm at it, how is it that the VAST majority of preachers seem to have some sort of a southern accent, even when they've never stepped foot in the south? Is that something they're taught in seminary??? Part of their showmanship??? And as for mocking your religion, why shouldn't I? How can ANYone watch those clowns on TBN on TV without snickering and mocking? I bet you've even done it yourself at times. Besides, I don't see YOU or ANY Christian criticizing the "juvenile language" of the "prophet" Elijah when he faced off with the 450 prophets of Baal. According to 1st Kings 18:27 he was VERY disrespectful of their god}

About noon time, Elijah began mocking them. "You'll have to shout louder than that," he scoffed, "to catch the attention of your god! Perhaps he is talking to someone, or is out sitting on the toilet, or maybe he is away on a trip, or is asleep and needs to be awakened!" (1 Kings 18:27, TLB).

Based upon this, will you be CONSISTENT and condemn the "prophet" Elijah for showing "incredible immaturity"? Will you question HIM as you did me with "How can you be taken seriously when you use language like this?"? Will you ask this "prophet" of Biblegod "why use juvenile language and expressions?"??? Will you face off with Elijah and say "it is YOU who is rather emotional AND objectively blind" to the question of the existence of Baal??? Will you insult Elijah as you insulted me with your "Even confirmed atheists like Bertrand Russell never expressed himself with juvenile language like you do.  I know you are bright, so why do you do it?"??? If you are condemning "toilet humor" than you've GOT TO condemn your own Elijah- but I won't hold my breath waiting, for Christians are always better at picking the splinters out of others, while ignoring the logs in their own heroes.



"You would have to  tell me, face to face, that you would STILL believe that you were born, you would STILL believe in your existence, and you would STILL remain convinced that your parents conceived you.   And when asked, in light of you being a personal eyewitness to the fact that there WAS no birth of you, you would have to reply that due to the inner confidence and assurance you have because you do in fact exist and therefore had to have been born,  you would naturally have to assume a trick of some sort had been played on you while watching at the moment and place of your own suppossed birth."

   If you responded in the above way, would it then be fair for me to then turn around and say that "you self-induced blindness astounds me."?  Of course not.  Obviously, objective experience will not always accurately record what  really happened.

We can do this "time machine example"  with ANY historical event.  JFK's assasination... The signing of the Declaration of Independence... the 3 championship wins by the Lakers,  World War II, etc, etc, etc.   Just because our minds are agile and creative enough to think of interesting thought experiments which can be logical, it does NOT follow that it will always reveal any truth or insight about reality.

Mark here-1}     So.... eyewitnesses to actual events are worthless, is what I hear you saying. I hate to say this, but if what you're saying is true, you just shot down Craig and every other Christian apologist, because THAT is one of their major arguments!!!

Fran's response here-2}      I'm not sure why you wrote this... it seems to me that this is a non sequitur.   I never said that eyewitnesses to actual events are worthless (so you heard wrong).   I'm saying that PRECISELY because of eyewitness accounts that vouch for the facts that JFK was indeed assasinated and that the Declaration of Independence was actually signed, and that the WTC was destroyed, that your "time machine question" does not make sense.

Mark here-2}   I wrote this because you were discrediting eyewitness accounts (i.e. the time travelers) when it is supposedly  "eyewitness accounts" upon which your religion was based. I see hypocrisy in that- sorry if you don't.


Again, if we go back in time and had the fortunate luck to encounter Mr. Zapruder (famous for the Zapruder film which showed JFK being assasinated) on the grassy knoll... and we happened to notice that he doesn't have a camera with him, this would understandably perplex us.  If we were then to go and talk to him and asked where his camera is, and if  he then replied saying he doesnt have a camera, was never lent a camera,  and that he wouldn't know how to use one even if he had one, this would perplex us even more.  And if we then waited and saw that the president wasn't  assasinated when the presidential limousine passed by the grassy knoll (or in subsequent days), that would also perplex us greatly.  And if upon further investigation we were to discover that John F. Kennedy was in fact not in that limousine (passing by the grassy knoll away from the Book Depository), but that it was John Wayne (or mickey mouse) in the limousine, we would be even MORE perplexed than ever.   We would have no other rational choice but to objectively conclude that something screwy was obviously going on.   See?  We can do this all day if you like, but the point is very simple.  If we know something occured and we have the evidence of reliable eyewitness accounts to verify that historical events occured, then your "time machine question" would make no sense if we hypothetically were to go back in time and find that such things did not happen when we know in fact they did.  We would HAVE to conclude as Dr. Craig did... that a trick was being played on us.

Mark here-2}   Then you are condemning eyewitnesses, and therefore the very (claimed) foundation of the Christian church. You are claiming that eyewitnesses are unreliable and shouldn't be trusted. You are claiming that something written in a history book should take precedence over what we see and know with our own eyes. What you have created is something better suited for a "Twilight Zone" episode. I made a very simple and direct test of Craig's intellectual honesty, and you have only tried to muck it up so much that no one would ever be able to know anything about anyone at any time. Like a good preacher, you overly complicate the things you don't want your congregation to know.


Therefore... far from saying that eyewitnesses to actual events are worthless... i'm saying EXACTLY the opposite... instead, i'm saying  that those eyewitnesses only underscore the inherent weakness of your "time machine question".

Mark here-2}   In other words, you are saying that eyewitnesses underscore the inherent weakness of... eyewitnesses. Huh??? Sorry, but you've just cut off the branch you're sitting on!!! ha ha ha ha ha. How is it that supposed eyewitnesses for which Bill Craig only has a paper account of in the New Testament, how is it that THOSE "eyewitness" over-rule the direct eyewitness experience of Bill Craig in a time machine?? You are verging on insanity here- be careful.

Now, the ONLY way your "time machine" question works, is if we FIRST assume that a particular experience MAY NOT HAVE HAPPENED.   But that would be "begging the question", would it not?   IF the resurrection of Jesus DID HAPPEN (like your birth, JFK's assasination, etc), then you can plainly see how your "time machine question" doesn't make sense IN THE SAME WAY that it doesn't make sense with the above examples, UNLESS there is indeed a trick being played on you (like a Twilight Zone episode).   Does Dr. Craig... or Should Dr. Craig have that much confidence in the Resurrection of Jesus as you naturally would have about your own birth or in the fact that JFK was assasinated?  You may not think so, but Dr. Craig does think so... and that is the debate... which then returns us to the proper discussion of what evidence Dr. Craig has which would give him that kind of confidence.

You wrote:

"Some ancient Christian monks took a vow of not talking- Craig is taking a vow of not thinking. I would expect such subjective drivel, and have experienced such, from  Mormon missionaries with their "burning in the bosom" crap (see section "Is Craig Coming Out of The Closet?"). Hearing it come from Dr. William Lane Craig saddened me more than anything, proving that "Christianity Causes Brain Death" is more than just a slogan."

With all due respect, such language and opinions are really silly and childish (which is why i suspect Dr. Craig does not wish to debate you).    Let me give you some examples in the real world which shows how intellectually unfair you are being in your characterization of Dr. Craig and Christians. 

1)  There is NO way you can prove that "logic" is logical or reasonable or rational without engaging in circular reasoning... and yet we all accept that logic is logical and reasonable.  We think this not thru any "thinking' or "rational" deduction, but because we realize that logic is self-evidently logical and rational. 

2)  Here's another... we also CAN'T mathematically prove that 1+1=2, and yet we "know" it to be true... not thru any proofs (because it's impossible), but because it's self-evident.

These are only two of many, many "First principles" and "self-evident" opinions which we accept in philosophy and logic and math and science, but which we can't prove.  Does that mean we are "taking a vow of not thinking" when we accept these first principles with no proofs?   Are we accepting these first principles and self-evident propositions because of some kind of "burning in the bosom"?  Of course not. 

Mark here-1}     So what exactly is Fran proposing here- that we take logic and science and throw them in the dumpster and return to swinging in the trees??? Of course, alot of religions would like this, for science tends to disprove religions.

Fran's response here-2}    I'm not sure why you wrote this since it doesn't follow from anythng i had written.

1)   According to evolution (as i understand it), man never was decended from apes, and never originally 'swung from trees" (as far as i know), so i'm not sure why you typed this, unless it is another indication of you being blind and emotional.

Mark here-2}   And according to what I wrote above (in red) I never said diddly squat about APES. I'm not sure why you wrote this, since it doesn't follow from anything I had written (to quote you verbatim). I know as well as you do that apes don't do much swinging from trees- that's more a job for the chimpanzees and monkeys. As for never having swung from trees, go to any playground and you'll see something called the "Monkey Bars". Look to see if even MODERN humans spend time swinging around.

2)   I'm USING and APPLYING logic in trying to show how i thought you were being intellectually unfair and hypocritical (a logical term) in your characterization of Dr. Craig and christians... so HOW on earth can i be proposing to throw logic and science in the dumpster when i'm USING logic?   In fact, it is IMPOSSIBLE to even type meaningful words that you (or others) can understand if i DID NOT use logic... so once again, how can you deduce that i propose throwing logic into a dumpster when in the very ACT of typing this email i'm using logic?  How can i EVEN ASK these questions WITHOUT using logic in the first place?   To type this email, i'm APPLYING the "law of identity" and the law of "non contradiction" (the bedrock and foundation of logic)... so how can you ask if i propose to throw out logic?    I'm also attempting to point out your mistakes by applying the rule of logic and calling your mistakes (in my opinion) by the names of the logical fallacy that logicians use (non sequiturs, strawman, question begging, etc).  You may DISAGREE with my characterization of some of your opinions as being logically fallacious, but as we discuss why you disagree with my viewpoints, we are in fact engaging in and applying logic in that VERY process... and so once again, how does this suggest i'm in favor of throwing out logic?

My ONLY reason for giving the two examples i gave in my original email was to show that it is NOT always unreasonable or irrational or illogical to accept some things that you can't prove.   Logicians and scientists and mathematicians ALL do this, and there is a name for that... it's called "first principles" or "properly basic beliefs" or "self-evident premises".    You were being hypocritical by demanding of Dr. Craig and Christians the very thing that you yourself CANNOT do at times.  We can't prove logic is logical without circular reasoning, does that mean we reject logic and throw it in the dumpster?  NO!!!!!   Science rests on certain "first principles" which themselves cannot be proven.. does that mean we throw science in the dumpster?  NO!!!!!!!!   It's impossible to prove mathematically that 1+1 = 2... does that mean we throw math in the dumpster?   NO!!!!!!  When we accept "first principles" without being able to prove they are true, does that mean we are "taking a vow of non-thinking"?  NO!!!!!!   When we accept "first principles" even tho they can't be proven, do we do so because of some kind of "burning in the bosom"?  NO!!!!!!!

I hope that is clear enough.

3)  I have no doubt that there are religions in this world which would like to throw logic and science in the dumpster.. but Christianity is NOT one of them.  Christians believe that logic ultimately comes from God and is embodied in God.  Christians also believe that science confirms and demonstrates and reveals God's creativity and magnificance in this universe.    It's because of this, that Christianity does NOT, and would NOT, and would NEVER entertain the idea of throwing logic and science in the dumpster.   Throwing logic in the dumpster would be akin to rejecting one of God's attributres... and throwing science in the dumpster would only hinder our ability to discover how God created this incredible universe.

4)   Science and logic DOES NOT tend to disprove Christianity...  although i do agree that science and logic do tend to disprove other religions.  If i'm in error, i would love for you to show me how science and logic tends to disprove Christianity.

In the same way, NO Christian accepts the teachings of Christ or the Bible based on some kind of "burning in the bosom"... NOT EVEN Dr. Craig.    No where does the term "burning in the bosom" even occur in the Bible or in the teachings of Christ or in Dr. Craig's literature or from ANY OTHER Christian apologist.   Obviously (to me anyway), it is YOU who is assuming that the Mormon "burning in the bosom" is equal and/or the same as Dr. Craig's confidence in the truth of the resurrection of Jesus apart from evidences.   But that simply does not logically follow... you are making a straw man argument based on a misunderstanding of what Christians are taught and teach.

Mormon's believe in Jospeh smith's teachings EVEN if they are contradicted by facts and evidences, which is WHY they fall back on this "burning in the bosom".   But this is clearly NOT the case with Christianity.

Mark here-1}     Uhhh, sorry, but this is EXACTLY what Craig is doing, and most people who read my "Contra Craig" web page acknowledge this- even Christians, to their sorrow. Craig- AND the Mormons, have the attitude of "Damn the evidence! Full speed ahead with my faith!!!"

Fran's response here-2}   Well.... this is NOT was Dr. Craig is doing.  Using your logic, then that would mean logicians and scientists and mathematicians are all accepting "first principles" based on some kind of "burning in the bosom" experience  because they can't prove the "first principles" they accept in their respective disciplines.   That is absurd of course.   Let's make this very simple.   Dr. Craig presents his case with all kinds of evidences and facts and reasons... if you disagree with his interpretation of those evidences, or you feel that his case is weak on evidence and facts, then attack that.    His case stands and falls on it's own merit in direct relation to it's weakness and/or strength.

Mark here-2}   Excuse me, but PLEASE go back and read pages 36 and 37 of his book "Reasonable Faith". His personal belief in his gods doesn't have a damn thing to do with facts or evidence. He has already written for all the world to see that if there should EVER be a contradiction between FACT and FAITH, he would dump FACT and cling to his FAITH. Why can't you see that? Even Dr. Craig sees that!!! He wrote it himself, for Pete's sake!!! Stop trying to save Craig from his own words, dude!!!


Even when we read Dr. Craig's opinion about magesterial and ministrial uses of reason, NO WHERE does he claim that there is ANY evidence which can be found that would contradict Christianity.   And THAT is the difference between Mormonism and Christianity.   If you disagree, then ALL you need to do is give a piece of evidence or fact that DOES contradict Christianity, and then, AND ONLY THEN can we then say that Christianity is doing the same thing as Mormons in this "burning of the bosom" thing.   Dr. Craig can make his statements about reason precisely BECAUSE he knows that there are NO evidences or facts that do contradict Christianity or the teaching's of Christ.

Mark here-2}   He doesn't believe there is any EXTANT evidence that contradicts his religion- many Christians believe the same thing. However, Craig went WAY beyond this stance to say that EVEN IF there was clear evidence that showed his religion to be full of crap, he wouldn't pay it any attention!!! He is no different from Mormons I've talked to before that have told me point blank that they would NEVER deny Joseph Smith REGARDLESS of any facts or evidence I would ever present to them. Intellectual Dishonesty- closed mindedness- a mind is a terrible thing to waste, isn't it???

Mark here-1}     Which is WHY I gave him the Time Machine scenario- I wanted to see how Craig would handle a concrete piece of evidence that contradicted his religion, and in my mind, and the mind of MOST Christians, he blew it. He showed himself to be just a user of evidence when it suits him.

Fran's response here-2}   Your "time machine" scenario was flawed for the above reasons stated... and thus it's not a concrete piece of evidence at all.  You cannot logically discount the possibility that a trick is being played on you if you were to encounter a situation where your objective experience contradicts known historical facts and events.

Mark here-2}   Sorry dude, but objective experience trumps some dusty old history book any day of the week, especially when there are experts on the book who themselves doubt it. In fact, the VAST majority of scholars in Christianity do NOT believe in a perfect Bible- including Craig. He said in public that he doubts the validity of the Matthean story of resurrected saints roaming the streets of Jerusalem.


If Dr. Craig uses evidence (even if it is only when it suits him like you contend), then attack him on the pieces of evidence he presents.  Don't you see the mistake your are making here?    EVEN IF Dr. Craig were using evidence when it suited him (which i disagree that he is), then WHY can't you attack him on the evidence?  Are the evidences he presents weak or strong? Yes or no?  If they are weak, then attack them and show us how they are weak.... what  BETTER way to undermine Dr. Craig's case then by showing that his evidence is weak?    But if they are strong, then why not accept them or acknowledge it and deal with it?

Mark here-2}   Are you deaf??? Let me try to make this perfectly clear to even someone as stubborn as you:


i may be incorrect, but it sure seems to me that you are trying to use the "time machine" scenario to skirt or dodge Dr. Craig's position instead of dealing with the evidences that Dr. Craig presents.  Any evidence that Dr. Craig presents either stands or falls ON THEIR own merit REGARDLESS of Dr. Craig motives for using evidence and logic.  Can't you see this?  It seems to me that you are committing the genetic fallacy by trying to question Dr. Craig's motives for using evidence and logic.   Dr. Craig's motives are logically IRRELEVANT to the question of whether those evidences he presents are good or bad evidences to begin with.  Even if we were to grant your provocate assertion that Dr. Craig's motive were somehow suspect, how on earth does that effect the evidences and reasons Dr. Craig presents in his case?  If the evidence is weak, show us.

Mark here-2}   It has to do with hypocrisy, for he is demanding of others what he doesn't demand from himself- that is, he is demanding that others change their religion when facts and evidence contradict their religion, but should facts and evidence contradict HIS religion, he's already admitted he isn't going to change. Based upon that, it is a useless endeavor to try to change Craig's religion with facts and evidence, regardless of how valid they may be. Craig has thus shown himself to be a HYPOCRITE- he is no better than a smoker who condemns others for smoking, but won't ever stop smoking himself. I'm sorry if your being a Christian and going to church has so numbed you to the disgust that HYPOCRITES engender in the rest of us who are NOT Christians. Maybe your "moral compass" needs a tune-up.


Thank you once again for allowing me to write to you and for this discussion with you.  I eagerly await your response with great interest and curiousity.

Take care, and may you and your loved ones have a wonderful day.

Fran Nevue


Samuel Meyer 9-3-03


Response to your website 


9/3/03 3:54:15 PM Pacific Daylight Time





Sent from the Internet (Details)

I am writing for two reasons.  First, I am disappointed with your
representation of Dr. Craig's views.  Second, honest, logical people looking
for truth would like to consider the things you have to say as you appear to
be intelligent, but I find it nearly impossible with the muddied water you
stir up through scoffing and emotionally-charged rejections.  At the
beginning of any fight the person officiating the match says to keep it
clean.  I suggest this for you, for your sake and for the sake of


Mark Smith here} Well, once again it's "gleaming generalities" that are attacked, rather than specifics. Are ALL Christians allergic to specifics??? If I had a SPECIFIC  thing that Sam was disappointed with, MAYBE I could make a response, but this "everything you say is wrong" mentality is mental- sorry.

As for my getting emotional about things I care about, who are you Sam, a robotic "Mr. Spock" who lost his emotion chip when you were built at the factory??? No, I will NOT apologize for getting PISSED OFF  at people like Craig who are trying their hardest to get good people to commit intellectual suicide, and I think YOU should be ashamed for not caring about this.



Sam Meyer 9-10-03


In response 


9/10/03 8:21:52 AM Pacific Daylight Time





Sent from the Internet (Details)

Dear Mark,

I have responded to you below.

"Mark Smith here} Well, once again it's "gleaming generalities" that are
attacked, rather than specifics. Are ALL Christians allergic to specifics???
If I had a SPECIFIC  thing that Sam was disappointed with, MAYBE I could
make a response, but this "everything you say is wrong" mentality is mental-

First, I am not interested in a mudslinging contest.  Second, I did not say
"everything you say is wrong" either, so please do not misrepresent me or
transfer onto me your leftover frustrations from others.  What you did with
my email is an example of the type of thing with which I am disappointed .
I said I was disappointed with your representation of Dr. Craig. 

Mark Smith here} Yes, I really "misrepresented" Dr. Craig, didn't I??? I put his entire TWO pages up on my web site as a JPEG- not even as a quotation, but an actual photograph, and not only that, HAD DR. CRAIG SIGN THE DAMN PAGES TOO!!!! If that is STILL "misrepresenting" Dr. Craig, I'd like to know just how BETTER I could have represented Dr. Craig!!! I'd like to see any Christian scholar go to those lengths to avoid misrepresentation of an author.


 I did not
say everything you say is wrong.  It is a misrepresentation to take the
statement that I am disappointed with how you represent Dr. Craig and
stretch it to say everything you say is wrong and then label me as mental.

It was not my intention to go into specifics about why I disagree with your
representation of Dr. Craig.  I think many of your arguments are founded in
philosophical error, which are the real issue that paints the lens through
which you see Dr. Craig's views incorrectly.  I do not plan to go into
specifics because, as I said, I am not interested in a mudslinging contest,
which you appear to be anxious to participate in, except to use two as
examples of what I mean. 

Mark Smith here} Oh here we go with philosophy!!! What's wrong, plain English not good enough for you? I asked Craig if he went back in a time machine and saw that THERE WAS NO RESURRECTION, would he deconvert, and he said NO. Why does one need to have one's brain muddled by philosophy to understand what Craig said??? It is only you philosophy geeks that have a hard time with simple ideas. I'm sure with a room full of 100 philosophers all typing away 24/7 that eventually at least one coherent thought would emerge after a few centuries, but I'm not going to wait around for that remote possibility to happen. If YOU have a problem with clear thinking, you need to have it looked at.


 Again, I am using these as examples of why I said
I was disappointed in your misrepresentation of Dr. Craig, not to get into a
lengthy debate about the specifics.  Also, note that these are based on the
assumption that I understand what you are saying.  If this is not the case,
please let me know.

1. "Craig's brand of Fundy Christianity" - Within the spectrum of
expressions Christian faith can take, Dr. Craig is not considered a
fundamentalist.  He is considered an evangelical that has kept to the
orthodox faith passed down from the Apostles, not a fundamentalist. 

Mark Smith here} Oh god, here we go with definitions of minutia!  Oh please EXXXXCUUSSSS ME if I didn't recognize the "OFFICIAL International Association of Geek Philosophers Dictionary" definition of Fundy. I just use Fundy to mean anybody that has Jesus shoved up their ass to the point where they can't walk without an intellectual limp. Is that definition wrong??? Sorry!

2. Because he takes the classical Western view that rationalism fails (that
is, we cannot know everything through pure evidential empirics, but that
some things are known inuitively), you stretch that to mean that there is no
use for reason and evidence--that it means nothing to him.This is frankly
not the case.  Why does he spend so much time working with evidences and
debating and writing about reasonable arguments?

Mark Smith here} Craig uses arguments and evidence the same way that a crooked lawyer uses "evidence" and "arguments"; anything that it takes to make his client win, regardless of the truth, and THAT is a totally DISHONEST way to approach ideas. Sorry you're so far out of touch with the rest of us not to see anything wrong with someone admitting they place FEELINGS over FACTS. Maybe you should try to get OUT OF TOUCH with your feminine side- I think it's taken over.


  Because they are
meaningful and build a case for what is--truth.  However, there are parts of
existence, pieces of truth, beyond reason.  Because we can only know a small
percentage of what exists through reasoning, it is not the end-all be-all.
Since Craig does hold this view, you make him into a straw man.  Instead of
representing him as consistent with the classical Western philosophy of
knowledge, you make him appear to be dogmatically opposed to any outside
evidence.  This is not the case.  He considers evidence, but holds the view
that empirical evidence and reason are not all that exist.

Mark Smith here} Yes, he "considers" evidence, but if it dares to go against his religion, he chucks it out. You see nothing wrong with this? That disgusts me.

"As for my getting emotional about things I care about, who are you Sam, a
robotic "Mr. Spock" who lost his emotion chip when you were built at the
factory??? No, I will NOT apologize for getting PISSED OFF  at people like
Craig who are trying their hardest to get good people to commit intellectual
suicide, and I think YOU should be ashamed for not caring about this."

First, Mark, again, you assume way too much.  You assume that I do not care
about truth.  I do, this is the reason I am attempting to read through your
site.  Second, he is attempting to keep people from spiritual suicide, which
includes intellectual suicide.  Reason in its proper place seems to be his
goal--that is, truth.

Mark Smith here} Yaas sir, bossman! We'uns gwoin keep dat dar reason in its good and proper place- whichuns means dat if its ever too uppidy, we'uns gwoin gives it a good beating- how dares reason EVER suggest dat da lawd was a fraud!!! 


  He is not anti-intellectual or anti-reason (again,
see #2 above).  Third, on what basis do you make the moral judgment that I
should be ashamed for not caring?  Fourth, do you know anything of the
character of Dr. Craig?  Have you seen him in his daily life?  Although this
is merely one aspect of evaluating credibility, I think you should not paint
the picture that Dr. Craig is an anti-intellectual bigot who is out to
persuade "good" people (again, what basis are you using to make this
judgment?) to hurt themselves.  

Mark Smith here} Sorry, but how else can I paint a man who has already admitted both in writing and in person that he places more credence in his subjective girly gut feelings than in FACTS, EVIDENCE AND REASON??? If that is NOT being "anti-intellectual" than nothing is. Craig should be the poster boy for irrational Christians.


It is a complete misrepresentation.  He is
not malicious nor is he intending to make your life so emotionally
uncomfortable (as you admit you are feeling).  His intention is to find
ultimate truth.  That's it.

Mark Smith here} Wrong!!! His intention is too convert people, whatever the intellectual cost. Craig doesn't give a rats ass about truth- only about making his religion look good. Craig already admitted that truth and facts and evidence matter less to him than his believing in Jesus.

Respectfully yours,





Sam Meyer 9-22-03


RE: In response 


9/22/03 5:48:51 AM Pacific Daylight Time





Sent from the Internet (Details)

Dear Mark,

Apparently I am not communicating (or you are not understanding) clearly.  Let's attempt to find some common ground to begin communicating.  Generally it is agreed upon that there are three degrees of reason.  First we understand, second we judge, and third we reason.  Can we agree on this?


"Mark Smith here} Well, once again it's "gleaming generalities" that are
attacked, rather than specifics. Are ALL Christians allergic to specifics???
If I had a SPECIFIC  thing that Sam was disappointed with, MAYBE I could
make a response, but this "everything you say is wrong" mentality is mental-

First, I am not interested in a mudslinging contest.  Second, I did not say
"everything you say is wrong" either, so please do not misrepresent me or
transfer onto me your leftover frustrations from others.  What you did with
my email is an example of the type of thing with which I am disappointed .
I said I was disappointed with your representation of Dr. Craig. 

Mark Smith here} Yes, I really "misrepresented" Dr. Craig, didn't I??? I put his entire TWO pages up on my web site as a JPEG- not even as a quotation, but an actual photograph, and not only that, HAD DR. CRAIG SIGN THE DAMN PAGES TOO!!!! If that is STILL "misrepresenting" Dr. Craig, I'd like to know just how BETTER I could have represented Dr. Craig!!! I'd like to see any Christian scholar go to those lengths to avoid misrepresentation of an author.

        While you did show the pages on your site, there are so many other issues that go into using evidence.  You must look at the context of the chapter, the book, and all his other work as well as the presuppositions from which he begins.  It is your interpretation of what Dr. Craig is saying that lacks understanding.  Without understanding, you begin judging.  And then you reason to conclusions that misrepresent because your understanding is lacking.  Without proper understanding, conclusions are going to look preposterous.

Mark Smith Responding on Saturday, September 27, 2003}     Oh Jesus H. Christ, will you please come off your cloud into the REAL world??? I bend over BACKWARDS when it comes to fully documenting my arguments, and now you are suggesting that for me to dare criticize your god Craig putting up a photograph of the two pages in question is not enough- no, YOU demand that I "look at" his whole BOOK, and not only that, you demand I "look at" every single book he's ever published, and not only that, you demand that I "look at" every single presupposition that he may have had. And when I have finished doing all that- ten years from now, THEN I may be qualified to say what I said in the first place. Right. And let me ask you- when the Jehovah Witness comes to your door and says the world is going to be destroyed next year, do you withhold comment until you've read every single book, every single magazine, and every single lecture they've put out in the last hundred years or so??? I can answer for you- no, you don't. But as soon as someone starts pointing out stupidities in Craig's teachings, now you want to put up all these intellectual speed bumps. Sorry, but most of us don't need to take ten years to tell when a man is bullshitting us. I don't know what YOUR problem is. Craig said some VERY stupid things- what is your problem with that??? Can YOU really NOT see that??? And YOU are the one to dare question MY sight!!!



 I did not
say everything you say is wrong.  It is a misrepresentation to take the
statement that I am disappointed with how you represent Dr. Craig and
stretch it to say everything you say is wrong and then label me as mental.

It was not my intention to go into specifics about why I disagree with your
representation of Dr. Craig.  I think many of your arguments are founded in
philosophical error, which are the real issue that paints the lens through
which you see Dr. Craig's views incorrectly.  I do not plan to go into
specifics because, as I said, I am not interested in a mudslinging contest,
which you appear to be anxious to participate in, except to use two as
examples of what I mean. 

Mark Smith here} Oh here we go with philosophy!!! What's wrong, plain English not good enough for you? I asked Craig if he went back in a time machine and saw that THERE WAS NO RESURRECTION, would he deconvert, and he said NO. Why does one need to have one's brain muddled by philosophy to understand what Craig said??? It is only you philosophy geeks that have a hard time with simple ideas. I'm sure with a room full of 100 philosophers all typing away 24/7 that eventually at least one coherent thought would emerge after a few centuries, but I'm not going to wait around for that remote possibility to happen. If YOU have a problem with clear thinking, you need to have it looked at.

        Mark, I understand English.  But, there are so many questions that must be answered first before your words even mean anything.  Philosophy is not about muddling, but about thinking clearly.  Only when you get the ultimate questions about reality right (the questions of first things) can you then go on to make accurate judgments and then conclusions.  If you are not willing to do the work on the first things, your conclusions have much less significance.

        You also did not say "If there was no resurrection".  He was taking you much more seriously than you seem to think.  Based on what you asked him, it appears he was making his decision based on what he has concluded as real - that is, time travel is not possible, and if such a thing did exist and it indicated something contrary to what he has concluded as real, then it should be doubted first before tossing out all his other reasoned conclusions of truth. 


Mark Smith Responding on Saturday, September 27, 2003}     Yes, and if you philosophers ran the world, we'd all still be living in caves, as you guys would still be arguing over the "caveness" of a cave, rather than actually DOING anything with your lives. I don't know why it takes you so much work to figure out something so simple, other than you want to obfuscate it to the point where NOBODY has a chance to understand it- which is most likely your ultimate goal, so people like Craig are free to go about spouting their horseshit unquestioned.

As for your comment that "You also did not say 'if there was no resurrection'", I think that when people see what I have on my Contra Craig web site, they will also see you are wrong. This is, below, EXACTLY what's on that site:


Dr. Craig, for the sake of argument let's pretend that a time machine gets built. You and I hop in it, and travel back to the day before Easter, 33 AD. We park it outside the tomb of Jesus. We wait. Easter morning rolls around, and nothing happens. We continue to wait. After several weeks of waiting, still nothing happens. There is no resurrection- Jesus is quietly rotting away in the tomb. 

Golly Gee! There it is: "There is no resurrection". Of course, you haven't read EVERY single essay I've every written, or examined every single presupposition that I've ever had, so maybe you somehow missed this. Or maybe, you're just too busy spouting philosophical horseshit to really read something thru.


Again, I am using these as examples of why I said
I was disappointed in your misrepresentation of Dr. Craig, not to get into a
lengthy debate about the specifics.  Also, note that these are based on the
assumption that I understand what you are saying.  If this is not the case,
please let me know.

1. "Craig's brand of Fundy Christianity" - Within the spectrum of
expressions Christian faith can take, Dr. Craig is not considered a
fundamentalist.  He is considered an evangelical that has kept to the
orthodox faith passed down from the Apostles, not a fundamentalist. 

Mark Smith here} Oh god, here we go with definitions of minutia!  Oh please EXXXXCUUSSSS ME if I didn't recognize the "OFFICIAL International Association of Geek Philosophers Dictionary" definition of Fundy. I just use Fundy to mean anybody that has Jesus shoved up their ass to the point where they can't walk without an intellectual limp. Is that definition wrong??? Sorry!


        Defining terms is a very important issue in any communication.

2. Because he takes the classical Western view that rationalism fails (that
is, we cannot know everything through pure evidential empirics, but that
some things are known inuitively), you stretch that to mean that there is no
use for reason and evidence--that it means nothing to him.This is frankly
not the case.  Why does he spend so much time working with evidences and
debating and writing about reasonable arguments?

Mark Smith here} Craig uses arguments and evidence the same way that a crooked lawyer uses "evidence" and "arguments"; anything that it takes to make his client win, regardless of the truth, and THAT is a totally DISHONEST way to approach ideas. Sorry you're so far out of touch with the rest of us not to see anything wrong with someone admitting they place FEELINGS over FACTS. Maybe you should try to get OUT OF TOUCH with your feminine side- I think it's taken over.

        Okay, this is where it is obvious we are not understanding each other.  What you have described is a totally dishonest way to approach ideas, but I do not see Dr. Craig doing this.  Within the writings of CS Lewis he has described the difference between looking at a beam of light and looking along it.  Only in looking along it can it then be understood.  In what I have seen of Dr. Craig's debates and in his writings, it appears he is attempting to understand opposing viewpoints without rejecting them on face.  If he is not, he is not being intellectually honest.  This is something we should all be able to do in order to come to conclusions of truth.

        Also, it seems as though you do not understand what Dr. Craig is describing.  I will not speak for him, but what I understand him to be saying is not that subjective feelings should be trusted.  Instead it is the level of understanding that he has come to that should be trusted first, which takes into account facts, nonrational evidence, and philosophical proofs.  Without presuming too much, I would argue that you have denied the non-rational things of life, things that cannot be known through empirical evidence.  Please attempt to answer these questions so we can better understand each other.

Can truth exist without knowledge?  

Can knowledge without the scientific method?

Mark Smith Responding on Saturday, September 27, 2003}     Sorry, but I understand EXACTLY what Craig wrote on pages 36 and 37 of his book "Reasonable Faith", and so do alot of other Atheists and Christians and ex-Christians  who have read the book. It really isn't that complicated, and unless you have a mental problem OR you are just being argumentative, you understand it too.  And if I didn't understand exactly what Craig meant, THAT was why I asked him about the Time Machine scenario, which ANYbody- even you- can understand. Stop quibbling over minor points and deal with the big issues.

As to your questions, this is not a philosophy web site, and isn't going to become one. Please stick to the topic. Craig said that regardless of what he saw on Easter morning 33 AD, he would still believe in Jesus. Please deal with that. It's not complicated.


Because they are
meaningful and build a case for what is--truth.  However, there are parts of
existence, pieces of truth, beyond reason.  Because we can only know a small
percentage of what exists through reasoning, it is not the end-all be-all.
Since Craig does hold this view, you make him into a straw man.  Instead of
representing him as consistent with the classical Western philosophy of
knowledge, you make him appear to be dogmatically opposed to any outside
evidence.  This is not the case.  He considers evidence, but holds the view
that empirical evidence and reason are not all that exist.

Mark Smith here} Yes, he "considers" evidence, but if it dares to go against his religion, he chucks it out. You see nothing wrong with this? That disgusts me.


        You never answered my question about a basis for your morality.  On what basis do you attempt to make a moral statement regarding Dr. Craig's methodology?  I would say one thing about this.  If what you said is actually the truth, then I would see something wrong with this (and have a moral basis for saying so).  However, you do not appear to get it.  What you say just begs the question -- what is true?  Did you ever consider that he has seen the evidence you want him to look at and already concluded that it is false through proper reasoning and logic and can, therefore, quickly answer?  His conclusions are not based on just "blind faith" that requires him to reject on face anything else.  That is the whole point of his book Reasonable Faith.  It is reasonable, and in the classical view the conclusion that Jesus Christ is God incarnate and the messiah for the human race is come to based on all aspects of human existence and the vast history of the world.

Mark Smith Responding on Saturday, September 27, 2003}     Why do you need to have a PhD to tell when someone is being a bullshit artist? Are you REALLY that out of touch with reality??? How Craig treats evidence IS disgusting, and I don't need to spend the next ten years trying to convince you why if you can't see it. Of course, I think you see it as clearly as I do, but you're just pretending not to, to be argumentative.


"As for my getting emotional about things I care about, who are you Sam, a
robotic "Mr. Spock" who lost his emotion chip when you were built at the
factory??? No, I will NOT apologize for getting PISSED OFF  at people like
Craig who are trying their hardest to get good people to commit intellectual
suicide, and I think YOU should be ashamed for not caring about this."

First, Mark, again, you assume way too much.  You assume that I do not care
about truth.  I do, this is the reason I am attempting to read through your
site.  Second, he is attempting to keep people from spiritual suicide, which
includes intellectual suicide.  Reason in its proper place seems to be his
goal--that is, truth.

Mark Smith here} Yaas sir, bossman! We'uns gwoin keep dat dar reason in its good and proper place- whichuns means dat if its ever too uppidy, we'uns gwoin gives it a good beating- how dares reason EVER suggest dat da lawd was a fraud!!! 

        I am attempting to take you seriously.  I would appreciate the same. 

Mark Smith Responding on Saturday, September 27, 2003}     The fact that you see nothing humorous in your phrase "reason in its proper place" tells me you have problems already. You see nothing funny in that? Putting reason in its place- where? In the back of the bus? In the "reason only" section of the restaurant? Listen, if you were born without a humor gene, that's your cross to bear, not mine.


  He is not anti-intellectual or anti-reason (again,
see #2 above).  Third, on what basis do you make the moral judgment that I
should be ashamed for not caring?  Fourth, do you know anything of the
character of Dr. Craig?  Have you seen him in his daily life?  Although this
is merely one aspect of evaluating credibility, I think you should not paint
the picture that Dr. Craig is an anti-intellectual bigot who is out to
persuade "good" people (again, what basis are you using to make this
judgment?) to hurt themselves.  

Mark Smith here} Sorry, but how else can I paint a man who has already admitted both in writing and in person that he places more credence in his subjective girly gut feelings than in FACTS, EVIDENCE AND REASON??? If that is NOT being "anti-intellectual" then nothing is. Craig should be the poster boy for irrational Christians.

        It is not anti-intellectual.  It is non-rational.  There is a difference between irrational and non-rational.  Can you see this and admit this?

Mark Smith Responding on Saturday, September 27, 2003}     Huh? Are we splitting hairs again? How many NORMAL people out of a hundred would recognize your claimed differences??? Are you REALLY from Earth, or are you from another planet???


It is a complete misrepresentation.  He is
not malicious nor is he intending to make your life so emotionally
uncomfortable (as you admit you are feeling).  His intention is to find
ultimate truth.  That's it.

Mark Smith here} Wrong!!! His intention is too convert people, whatever the intellectual cost. Craig doesn't give a rats ass about truth- only about making his religion look good. Craig already admitted that truth and facts and evidence matter less to him than his believing in Jesus.

        What if his intention is to find the truth because he has concluded  what he believes to be the truth and, furthermore, he sees that it demands a response?  Have you considered the possibility that the Truth and that Jesus is the Christ are one and the same?


Mark Smith Responding on Saturday, September 27, 2003}     No, they are not the same. You are confusing a person with a concept.  Jesus is no more "truth" than George Bush is a cucumber, regardless of how many republicans say otherwise.


Respectfully yours,


Sam Meyer 10-3-03


NOTE FROM MARK SMITH, Saturday October 4, 2003}
This will be the final email from Sam that I will waste web space putting up. I am going to also not waste my time responding to anything he says. His own words should be enough to hang him in the court of public opinion. It is quite clear the goal a man like Sam has in mind. His goal is to muddy the waters, to obfuscate the issues to the point where us "commoners" realize we can't understand what the hell the issues are anymore, and thus give up, and let the theologians have their way.

Contrast HIS writing style of trying to dazzle people with bullshit to mine: crystal clarity. Which do you really think respects the truth more? Which is more concerned with actually communicating, rather than confusing? Also note for  yourself that if Christian intellectuals have to resort to such weaseling around to defend their positions, maybe that's a sign their positions really aren't worth defending. After all, any Christian that has to come off sounding like Bill Clinton during his infamous "is-is" speech is obviously trying to HIDE something, rather than REVEAL something.



Final response 


10/3/03 2:11:08 PM Pacific Daylight Time





Sent from the Internet (Details)

See below.

Dear Mark,
Apparently I am not communicating (or you are not understanding) clearly.
Let's attempt to find some common ground to begin communicating.  Generally
it is agreed upon that there are three degrees of reason.  First we
understand, second we judge, and third we reason.  Can we agree on this?

"Mark Smith here} Well, once again it's "gleaming generalities" that are
attacked, rather than specifics. Are ALL Christians allergic to specifics???
If I had a SPECIFIC  thing that Sam was disappointed with, MAYBE I could
make a response, but this "everything you say is wrong" mentality is mental-

First, I am not interested in a mudslinging contest.  Second, I did not say
"everything you say is wrong" either, so please do not misrepresent me or
transfer onto me your leftover frustrations from others.  What you did with
my email is an example of the type of thing with which I am disappointed .
I said I was disappointed with your representation of Dr. Craig. 
Mark Smith here} Yes, I really "misrepresented" Dr. Craig, didn't I??? I put
his entire TWO pages up on my web site as a JPEG- not even as a quotation,
but an actual photograph, and not only that, HAD DR. CRAIG SIGN THE DAMN
PAGES TOO!!!! If that is STILL "misrepresenting" Dr. Craig, I'd like to know
just how BETTER I could have represented Dr. Craig!!! I'd like to see any
Christian scholar go to those lengths to avoid misrepresentation of an

        While you did show the pages on your site, there are so many other
issues that go into using evidence.  You must look at the context of the
chapter, the book, and all his other work as well as the presuppositions
from which he begins.  It is your interpretation of what Dr. Craig is saying
that lacks understanding.  Without understanding, you begin judging.  And
then you reason to conclusions that misrepresent because your understanding
is lacking.  Without proper understanding, conclusions are going to look

Mark Smith Responding on Saturday, September 27, 2003}     Oh Jesus H.
Christ, will you please come off your cloud into the REAL world??? I bend
over BACKWARDS when it comes to fully documenting my arguments, and now you
are suggesting that for me to dare criticize your god Craig putting up a
photograph of the two pages in question is not enough- no, YOU demand that I
"look at" his whole BOOK, and not only that, you demand I "look at" every
single book he's ever published, and not only that, you demand that I "look
at" every single presupposition that he may have had. And when I have
finished doing all that- ten years from now, THEN I may be qualified to say
what I said in the first place. Right. And let me ask you- when the Jehovah
Witness comes to your door and says the world is going to be destroyed next
year, do you withhold comment until you've read every single book, every
single magazine, and every single lecture they've put out in the last
hundred years or so??? I can answer for you- no, you don't. But as soon as
someone starts pointing out stupidities in Craig's teachings, now you want
to put up all these intellectual speed bumps. Sorry, but most of us don't
need to take ten years to tell when a man is bullshitting us. I don't know
what YOUR problem is. Craig said some VERY stupid things- what is your
problem with that??? Can YOU really NOT see that??? And YOU are the one to
dare question MY sight!!!

First, what is "real" in your opinion?  That is what I am trying to get at.
And, because I consider the possibility that what you see as real is in fact
not reality, you respond by calling me mental or rejecting what I say.  That
is not very helpful or reasonable in a dialogue about what is true.

Second, Mark, I am not questioning your sight, but rather your
presuppositions that determine your understanding of what you see.  Although
you make the search for truth seem so exagerated that it is impossible;

nevertheless, it is hard work to really get at the truth and requires
committed humility.  I'm sorry if you are frustrated that it takes work to
make consideration while witholding judgment.  That does not change the fact
that it is a long, hard process.  You won't find truth with snap judgments.

Third, you must inquire from where a person is coming in order to understand
the truest meaning of what he or she may say.  Understanding
presuppositions, and allowing for the possibility that they may be true, is
the necessary part of the question you pose about the Jehovah's Witness.  If
I have already considered the presuppositions and know that I disagree, then
it is not necessary to go through the whole process you describe.  However,
someone better consider the whole context to be sure the conclusion is true.
And if I trust that someone's ability to be intellectually honest and
rigorous, then I can trust the conclusion that person made.

Fourth, I thought I would take a chance and try to reason with you about
your view of what Dr. Craig said, not because I worship him, although I,
with much of academia, respect him as an academic and I, along with much of
Christendom, respect him as a disciple of Christ.  You made him appear to
have drawn the conclusion that his "religion" is true based on
irrationalities, regardless of what actually is true.  That is
close-mindedness.  That is not the story.  In order to determine what is
true, you must allow for the possibility that other, opposing views, might
be right.  What if he had already done this and he is attempting to live
according to what (namely a Judeo-Christian worldview where Jesus is who He
said He was) he actually has concluded as true?  Do you see how this is
different from holding onto a religion as a safety blanket that serves as a
guard from truth?  I argue he does the former, not the latter, which is what
you depict him as.  That is the main issue here.

I did not
say everything you say is wrong.  It is a misrepresentation to take the
statement that I am disappointed with how you represent Dr. Craig and
stretch it to say everything you say is wrong and then label me as mental.

It was not my intention to go into specifics about why I disagree with your
representation of Dr. Craig.  I think many of your arguments are founded in
philosophical error, which are the real issue that paints the lens through
which you see Dr. Craig's views incorrectly.  I do not plan to go into
specifics because, as I said, I am not interested in a mudslinging contest,
which you appear to be anxious to participate in, except to use two as
examples of what I mean.

Mark Smith here} Oh here we go with philosophy!!! What's wrong, plain
English not good enough for you? I asked Craig if he went back in a time
machine and saw that THERE WAS NO RESURRECTION, would he deconvert, and he
said NO. Why does one need to have one's brain muddled by philosophy to
understand what Craig said??? It is only you philosophy geeks that have a
hard time with simple ideas. I'm sure with a room full of 100 philosophers
all typing away 24/7 that eventually at least one coherent thought would
emerge after a few centuries, but I'm not going to wait around for that
remote possibility to happen. If YOU have a problem with clear thinking, you
need to have it looked at.

        Mark, I understand English.  But, there are so many questions that
must be answered first before your words even mean anything.  Philosophy is
not about muddling, but about thinking clearly.  Only when you get the
ultimate questions about reality right (the questions of first things) can
you then go on to make accurate judgments and then conclusions.  If you are
not willing to do the work on the first things, your conclusions have much
less significance.

        You also did not say "If there was no resurrection".  He was taking
you much more seriously than you seem to think.  Based on what you asked
him, it appears he was making his decision based on what he has concluded as
real - that is, time travel is not possible, and if such a thing did exist
and it indicated something contrary to what he has concluded as real, then
it should be doubted first before tossing out all his other reasoned
conclusions of truth.

Mark Smith Responding on Saturday, September 27, 2003}     Yes, and if you
philosophers ran the world, we'd all still be living in caves, as you guys
would still be arguing over the "caveness" of a cave, rather than actually
DOING anything with your lives. I don't know why it takes you so much work
to figure out something so simple, other than you want to obfuscate it to
the point where NOBODY has a chance to understand it- which is most likely
your ultimate goal, so people like Craig are free to go about spouting their
horseshit unquestioned.

Oh, but it is not that simple.  First, don't let the second-level of
philosophy, the existential angst we see today that is a result of the mind
separated from the heart, frustrate you and cause you to discount all
philosophy.  Sure, many people babble on in the academic philosophical
world, but don't let this get in the way of seeing the good in philosophy.
And, sorry to disappoint you, but I am not a philosopher.  I am merely a
person trying to find my way in a messed-up world.  In order to know which
way to go, I have to answer the simple questions - What am I?  How did I get
here?  Where am I going?  What is my purpose?  How can I know?  Without a
best approximation of answers to these questions, everything I do is
ultimately in vain - meaningless.  No, my friend, my point is to be sure
that I am traveling in the direction I want to be going. 

By the way - What would you prescribe philosophers do with their time?

As for your comment that "You also did not say 'if there was no
resurrection'", I think that when people see what I have on my Contra Craig
web site, they will also see you are wrong. This is, below, EXACTLY what's
on that site:

Dr. Craig, for the sake of argument let's pretend that a time machine gets
built. You and I hop in it, and travel back to the day before Easter, 33 AD.
We park it outside the tomb of Jesus. We wait. Easter morning rolls around,
and nothing happens. We continue to wait. After several weeks of waiting,
still nothing happens. There is no resurrection- Jesus is quietly rotting
away in the tomb.

Golly Gee! There it is: "There is no resurrection". Of course, you haven't
read EVERY single essay I've every written, or examined every single
presupposition that I've ever had, so maybe you somehow missed this. Or
maybe, you're just too busy spouting philosophical horseshit to really read
something thru.

You said that statement in the context of the hypothetical, though, which is
inside the presuppositions Dr. Craig had to view the hypothetical.  It is
impossible to separate the statement made from the presuppositions.  That is
my whole point here.  In context (within Dr. Craig's worldview) it means
something very different from what you make it mean pulled out of context.
But in your worldview, his statement seems like absolute absurdity because
you cannot suspend judgment long enough to consider his perspective in order
to see if what he is saying is indeed reasonable.

Again, I am using these as examples of why I said
I was disappointed in your misrepresentation of Dr. Craig, not to get into a
lengthy debate about the specifics.  Also, note that these are based on the
assumption that I understand what you are saying.  If this is not the case,
please let me know.

1. "Craig's brand of Fundy Christianity" - Within the spectrum of
expressions Christian faith can take, Dr. Craig is not considered a
fundamentalist.  He is considered an evangelical that has kept to the
orthodox faith passed down from the Apostles, not a fundamentalist.

Mark Smith here} Oh god, here we go with definitions of minutia!  Oh please
EXXXXCUUSSSS ME if I didn't recognize the "OFFICIAL International
Association of Geek Philosophers Dictionary" definition of Fundy. I just use
Fundy to mean anybody that has Jesus shoved up their ass to the point where
they can't walk without an intellectual limp. Is that definition wrong???

        Defining terms is a very important issue in any communication.

2. Because he takes the classical Western view that rationalism fails (that
is, we cannot know everything through pure evidential empirics, but that
some things are known inuitively), you stretch that to mean that there is no
use for reason and evidence--that it means nothing to him.This is frankly
not the case.  Why does he spend so much time working with evidences and
debating and writing about reasonable arguments?

Mark Smith here} Craig uses arguments and evidence the same way that a
crooked lawyer uses "evidence" and "arguments"; anything that it takes to
make his client win, regardless of the truth, and THAT is a totally
DISHONEST way to approach ideas. Sorry you're so far out of touch with the
rest of us not to see anything wrong with someone admitting they place
FEELINGS over FACTS. Maybe you should try to get OUT OF TOUCH with your
feminine side- I think it's taken over.

        Okay, this is where it is obvious we are not understanding each
other.  What you have described is a totally dishonest way to approach
ideas, but I do not see Dr. Craig doing this.  Within the writings of CS
Lewis he has described the difference between looking at a beam of light and
looking along it.  Only in looking along it can it then be understood.  In
what I have seen of Dr. Craig's debates and in his writings, it appears he
is attempting to understand opposing viewpoints without rejecting them on
face.  If he is not, he is not being intellectually honest.  This is
something we should all be able to do in order to come to conclusions of

        Also, it seems as though you do not understand what Dr. Craig is
describing.  I will not speak for him, but what I understand him to be
saying is not that subjective feelings should be trusted.  Instead it is the
level of understanding that he has come to that should be trusted first,
which takes into account facts, nonrational evidence, and philosophical
proofs.  Without presuming too much, I would argue that you have denied the
non-rational things of life, things that cannot be known through empirical
evidence.  Please attempt to answer these questions so we can better
understand each other.

Can truth exist without knowledge? 

Can knowledge without the scientific method?

Mark Smith Responding on Saturday, September 27, 2003}     Sorry, but I
understand EXACTLY what Craig wrote on pages 36 and 37 of his book
"Reasonable Faith", and so do alot of other Atheists and Christians and
ex-Christians  who have read the book. It really isn't that complicated, and
unless you have a mental problem OR you are just being argumentative, you
understand it too.  And if I didn't understand exactly what Craig meant,
THAT was why I asked him about the Time Machine scenario, which ANYbody-
even you- can understand. Stop quibbling over minor points and deal with the
big issues.

As to your questions, this is not a philosophy web site, and isn't going to
become one. Please stick to the topic. that regardless of what he saw on
Easter morning 33 AD, he would still believe in Jesus. Please deal with
that. It's not complicated.

Regarding philosophy - you are living according to a philosophical worldview
whether you are aware of it or not.  I hope you take the time to be sure you
are living with reasonable conclusions.  It appears you are afraid to really
consider this.

"Craig said regardless of what he saw on Easter morning 33 AD, he would
still believe in Jesus" No, this is not what he said.  He said if you "took"
him there in a "time machine," that he would trust what he has already
concluded as true rather than that what he was seeing was true.  It is the
interpretation that is in question due to the complexity of the

Because they are
meaningful and build a case for what is--truth.  However, there are parts of
existence, pieces of truth, beyond reason.  Because we can only know a small
percentage of what exists through reasoning, it is not the end-all be-all.
Since Craig does hold this view, you make him into a straw man.  Instead of
representing him as consistent with the classical Western philosophy of
knowledge, you make him appear to be dogmatically opposed to any outside
evidence.  This is not the case.  He considers evidence, but holds the view
that empirical evidence and reason are not all that exist.

Mark Smith here} Yes, he "considers" evidence, but if it dares to go against
his religion, he chucks it out. You see nothing wrong with this? That
disgusts me.

        You never answered my question about a basis for your morality.  On
what basis do you attempt to make a moral statement regarding Dr. Craig's
methodology?  I would say one thing about this.  If what you said is
actually the truth, then I would see something wrong with this (and have a
moral basis for saying so).  However, you do not appear to get it.  What you
say just begs the question -- what is true?  Did you ever consider that he
has seen the evidence you want him to look at and already concluded that it
is false through proper reasoning and logic and can, therefore, quickly
answer?  His conclusions are not based on just "blind faith" that requires
him to reject on face anything else.  That is the whole point of his book
Reasonable Faith.  It is reasonable, and in the classical view the
conclusion that Jesus Christ is God incarnate and the messiah for the human
race is come to based on all aspects of human existence and the vast history
of the world.


Mark Smith Responding on Saturday, September 27, 2003}     Why do you need
to have a PhD to tell when someone is being a bullshit artist? Are you
REALLY that out of touch with reality??? How Craig treats evidence IS
disgusting, and I don't need to spend the next ten years trying to convince
you why if you can't see it. Of course, I think you see it as clearly as I
do, but you're just pretending not to, to be argumentative.


No, not being argumentative.  Just wanting you to live consistent with your
worldview. No PhD needed for what you are considering, but it does require
more intellectual honesty than you appear willing to give.  Mark, it is not
about keeping out things that would shake the foundations of his religion
because they might be true.  It is about sticking to what is true unless the
majority of the evidence (including non-rational evidence) concludes that it
is false.  But that is not what he is doing.  Sure there are people like
that, and if they live like that, it is disgusting without a doubt.  It is
not intellectually honest.

If you are indeed an atheist or even an agnostic, I argue you have no basis
for making moral claims.  Any such claim you make is merely borrowed from
the Judeo-Christian worldview in which a God exists and has something to say
about how we should live our life.  And that is really the issue here, isn't
it, Mark.

"As for my getting emotional about things I care about, who are you Sam, a
robotic "Mr. Spock" who lost his emotion chip when you were built at the
factory??? No, I will NOT apologize for getting PISSED OFF  at people like
Craig who are trying their hardest to get good people to commit intellectual
suicide, and I think YOU should be ashamed for not caring about this."

First, Mark, again, you assume way too much.  You assume that I do not care
about truth.  I do, this is the reason I am attempting to read through your
site.  Second, he is attempting to keep people from spiritual suicide, which
includes intellectual suicide.  Reason in its proper place seems to be his
goal--that is, truth.

Mark Smith here} Yaas sir, bossman! We'uns gwoin keep dat dar reason in its
good and proper place- whichuns means dat if its ever too uppidy, we'uns
gwoin gives it a good beating- how dares reason EVER suggest dat da lawd was
a fraud!!!

 I am attempting to take you seriously.  I would appreciate the same.

Mark Smith Responding on Saturday, September 27, 2003}     The fact that you
see nothing humorous in your phrase "reason in its proper place" tells me
you have problems already. You see nothing funny in that? Putting reason in
its place- where? In the back of the bus? In the "reason only" section of
the restaurant? Listen, if you were born without a humor gene, that's your
cross to bear, not mine.

Again, from your perspective it appears funny because you see the
possibility that there is something beyond reason as preposterous (your
philosophy leaking out - you better watch it).  A person who follows Jesus
within an orthodox Christian faith does not say, "The Bible says it, I
believe it, case closed."  That is not at all what Dr. Craig is saying, nor
is it what I am saying. 

Here's its proper place: reason leads to truth, it is not truth itself.  It
is one piece of the puzzle. 

  He is not anti-intellectual or anti-reason (again,
see #2 above).  Third, on what basis do you make the moral judgment that I
should be ashamed for not caring?  Fourth, do you know anything of the
character of Dr. Craig?  Have you seen him in his daily life?  Although this
is merely one aspect of evaluating credibility, I think you should not paint
the picture that Dr. Craig is an anti-intellectual bigot who is out to
persuade "good" people (again, what basis are you using to make this
judgment?) to hurt themselves. 


Mark Smith here} Sorry, but how else can I paint a man who has already
admitted both in writing and in person that he places more credence in his
subjective girly gut feelings than in FACTS, EVIDENCE AND REASON??? If that
is NOT being "anti-intellectual" then nothing is. Craig should be the poster
boy for irrational Christians.


        It is not anti-intellectual.  It is non-rational.  There is a
difference between irrational and non-rational.  Can you see this and admit


Mark Smith Responding on Saturday, September 27, 2003}     Huh? Are we
splitting hairs again? How many NORMAL people out of a hundred would
recognize your claimed differences??? Are you REALLY from Earth, or are you
from another planet???


You did not answer my question.  At any rate, I argue that most "normal" (we
haven't agreed on a definition of this, so whatever that means) people have
a basic understanding that things such as love (non-rational) is true and is
different from 2+2=5 (irrational) although they have not been able to
verbalize such a thing.

It is a complete misrepresentation.  He is
not malicious nor is he intending to make your life so emotionally
uncomfortable (as you admit you are feeling).  His intention is to find
ultimate truth.  That's it.

Mark Smith here} Wrong!!! His intention is too convert people, whatever the
intellectual cost. Craig doesn't give a rats ass about truth- only about
making his religion look good. Craig already admitted that truth and facts
and evidence matter less to him than his believing in Jesus.

        What if his intention is to find the truth because he has concluded
what he believes to be the truth and, furthermore, he sees that it demands a
response?  Have you considered the possibility that the Truth and that Jesus
is the Christ are one and the same?

Mark Smith Responding on Saturday, September 27, 2003}     No, they are not
the same. You are confusing a person with a concept.  Jesus is no more the
"truth" than George Bush is a cucumber.

Oh, my friend.  Although this is not the point; truth is what is.  It is
about being.  The concept of "President of the USA" and George Bush
intersect.  Truth is beyond reason.  Reason leads you to understand what is,
but is not the only way to truth.  Until you see that, you will not see

Well, Mark, we've had a good run.  I will not be responding again.  I am
sorry that we could not find common ground on which to dialogue.  I pray you
find the truth.





Mike  12-23-03



craig site


12/23/03 4:26:43 AM !!!First Boot!!!





Sent from the Internet (Details)



Hey, i just wanted to write and say two things:

  First, i think your site is very interesting. I really enjoyed your main page, the article/rant was great to read and i think had some interesting points, however, i think you do not exactly portray Craig's opponents well. you say they are basically "lightweights". wel i agree with that. but clearly Smith, Taylor, Tooley, and Pigliucci are not no-namers. they are are quite familiar, especially Smith, with craig's work and the current theism/atheism arguments.


Mark here}     I'm glad you found interesting items on the site. If it were too boring, you would have fallen asleep and banged your head into the computer keyboard- not a good thing.

As for my criticisms of those Craig has debated, I never said they didn't know the in's and out's of Atheism. They may be world experts in that topic, and good for them for that. What I DID say is that they didn't know DEBATING. Debating is a skill, just like plumbing, and regardless of how skilled one is in Atheistic arguments, that does not qualify him to fix toilets. Almost every single debate I've seen or heard or read, Craig has kicked their asses because THEY DIDN'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT HOW TO DEBATE. Period.


 I don't think you grant the atheist opponents enough credit. though to be fair, perhaps you honestly do not know much about these guys.

second, while i think the idea of your site is great, it's plagued with so many fallacies it's just plain ridiculous. In fact, it's hard for any serious philosopher, who's had ANY training in formal logic to actually read through some of the stuff written about. 


Mark here}     And THIS criticism is coming from a guy who's email is so plagued with bad grammar and punctuation as to be laughable, and I'm to take you serious?  For example, sentences are normally started with a CAPITAL letter, and the word you misspell as "i" should also be capitalized. Before you criticize the writings of another, how about you learning to write at something more than a 2nd grade level, ok???


I'm not referring to all the stuff you've read, i'm refferrign to stuff throughout the site, written by others. you name the fallacy it's there, name calling, argumentum ad hominem (actually the entire site pretty much commits this), circularity, straw men attacks (ALL OVER THE PLACE), poisoning the well, etc... Again, i like the idea of the site, but come on, none of this is persuasive AT ALL, it lacks any philosophical integrity what's so ever. 

Mark here}     Like most Christians, you're good at "drive by criticisms" but bad at giving details. A few examples might have been helpful. For example, I could say "The Bible is fucked up", but a few examples might make it easier to get a handle on the charge.

And as for the charges, your own beloved Jesus, as well as his Apostles, are also likewise guilty of everything you charge me with. Why are you not criticizing them as well? Oh, I remember why- because you agree with their conclusion, however they got to it. I guess when Jesus engages in name calling ("hypocrites", "white washed walls", "blind men", "dogs") that's ok, 'cause he's Jesus and he can do no wrong, eh??? It's ok for Jesus to engage in blatant racism by condemning all non-Jews as being DOGS, eh?



it's frustrating to sort through the site to come across a carefully contructed article. The atheist does not need to resort to this kind of sloppy-ness, it makes it seem as if it's a last attempt, of a dying position.


Mark here}     So why don't you just take my "sloppy"  *article on why preachers shouldn't be paid, and with your superior mastery of logic and reason, show me line by line how I screwed up so bad. Why don't you do it? I'll tell you why- because you can't. I am right, you are wrong, and all you can do is insult my style while IGNORING MY SUBSTANCE.

*Fire The Clergy



anyway, i just wanted to say, i like your site, but it could be soooo much better if you'd lose many of the links and articles that are clearly written by people who just don't understand the arguments presented by Craig. Is there a way to get that debate between craig and tabash for free. i'd love to see the debate because similar to what you said, i get the sense some of these atheist just don 't know what the heck they are doing. well ya, anyway bye



Mark here}    I can't help but notice you totally ignored all the criticisms I made of Craig. This must mean you disagree with them. Which must mean you see nothing wrong with going back in time, seeing there was no resurrection, and then continuing with your religion as is. Amazing. You Christian geeks get so bored with the book and fascinated by philosophy you totally loose sight of common sense. 



Mike  1-19-04


craig site


1/19/04 8:13:39 PM !!!First Boot!!!





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Hey, thanks for replying. I'm sorry, i don't think i really was all that clear. First, about my "bad grammar" and all that. I'm e-mailing, i don't write with too much care and don't correct syntactical errors or grammatical errors too often in e-mails; as long as i can convey what i'm trying to say, that's good enough. It's just e-mail, it's not some formal piece of writing. In any case, my lack of grammatical skill in writing e-mails has nothing to do with whether i'm right or wrong concerning what I wrote. Notice, non-sequitar fallacy, and again you resorted to name calling, something that plagues your site.


Mark here}     The bad grammar is relevant because you were criticizing me for HOW I communicate with people. If you're going to give, be prepared to take. And yes, bad grammar IS important if you get to the point where people can't understand or won't take the time to try to translate what you wrote.

As for "name calling", again, you resort to making accusations without one shred of evidence or example- more "drive by criticism". I just re-read my response to you: there is not ONE name in there that I called you. None. So why are you lying about stuff like this? I could have called you a name:  poo poo head, big ears, carrot top, whatever- but I didn't. Once again you prove it's easier to make blanket accusations than actually back them up- something I'd expect from a theist, not an Atheist.


 I want to clarify some points. First, i never said i was a theist, and i never argued with the criticism you made of Craig because that was not the purpose of my e-mail. I think the site is GREAT! I find your criticisms very interesting, my only point was that there are fallacies all over the place. NOw you suggest i give examples. Well my goodness!!! the chicken pictures, mock quotes making him look ridiculous, mormon association, the stinketh link, the Ph.D ploy thing. While there may be some truth, all it is is an attempt to make a philosopher look like a coward, again, name calling. There's so many, i'm not going to simply go through them all, and honestly, i'm not pointing any of this out because of any diagreement about conclusions you arrive at. Not at ALL! I'm simply pointing out very obvious fallacies that should be examined, and omitted.

Mark here}     How the hell is a picture of a man in a chicken suit a fallacy?? Huh??? As for the other items listed, they are all perfectly valid. The mock quotes are a quick and humorous way to translate his gobbledegook into plain English. The Mormon comparison is right-on: both Craig AND the Mormons base their religion on inner feelings- many others have made this same association. If you think it doesn't apply, I'd sure like to see you explain it then- please explain why Craig would reject objective in-your-face concrete reality in favor of mushy internal feelings. As for the "Stinketh" link- did you even GO there? That links to an article by a DOUBLE PhD, Dr. Robert M. Price, to an article he wrote called "By This Time He Stinketh". Price debated Craig, by the way, and won the debate. And the "PhD ploy"- what do you mean? I'm certainly not the first to notice that! It is Craig who is using that as a ploy to excuse himself from debating people he might lose to. Every criticism you made was BS, as I've shown- and I'm to take you seriously???


Second, my e-mail was not meant to be mean "spirited". I just wanted to point out some things that make it hard to read your site and the links. Moreover, you resorted to the very fallacy i accused you of, namely, name calling. you insult my e-mail grammars skills, why? i was never trying to insult you and again, i never stated that there is a mistake in everything you wrote. (actually many of the fallacies are found in the LINKs you have on your site)

Your response said, "I am right, you are wrong, and all you can do is insult my style while IGNORING MY SUBSTANCE." 

Well this is just an emotional reaction to what i wrote, i never insulted your "style" of writing. On the contrary, that's all YOU did. YOur letter clearly shows that.

You also wrote "I can't help but notice you totally ignored all the criticisms I made of Craig. This must mean you disagree with them. Which must mean you see nothing wrong with going back in time, seeing there was no resurrection, and then continuing with your religion as is. Amazing. You Christian geeks get so bored with the book and fascinated by philosophy you totally loose sight of common sense."

My e-mail was never intended to defend the Christian faith. You simply accuse me of positions and being a "geek". you pretty much conceded every point i was making, your response alone is self-refuting. 

Mark here}     My point still stands. You haven't said one word about Craig's self-induced insanity, i.e. his position on evidence- and I use the OFFICIAL definition of insane here and mean it. All you've done is quibbled over little things I've supposedly done. This is like I'm a fireman hosing down a burning house, and you a bystander walk up and rather than helping me put out the fire you start hosing ME down!!! You've got nothing to criticize Craig for, do you??


You wrote: And THIS criticism is coming from a guy who's email is so plagued with bad grammar and punctuation as to be laughable, and I'm to take you serious?  For example, sentences are normally started with a CAPITAL letter, and the word you misspell as "i" should also be capitalized. Before you criticize the writings of another, how about you learning to write at something more than a 2nd grade level, ok???"

Again, a self refuting response since you use capital not only at the beginning but throughout the actual word, THIS, CAPITAL. In any case, you resorted to name calling and committed a non-sequitar.

Mark here}     Where the hell did YOU go to school at- Mars??? So you disagree when I say that the beginning of a sentence needs a capital letter??? How can I argue with you! You need to go argue with an English book.

As for the "name calling" accusation again, I STILL notice you didn't say squat about when your hero Jesus was calling men names, as I pointed out in my previous email. Why is that- you can't criticize your hero???


Concerning the debaters. i have no doubt at all that debating is a skill. But debating skills are not all there is to say concerning philosophical argument. Smith is a very respected atheist (and for good reason). He's very qualified in both debating and philosophical argumentation and yet you give him no credit.  My point was ONLY that you do not give enough credit to these atheists and that you put way too much weight on 'debating skill'.

Mark here}     And for good reason, because it's been their lack of debating skills, and not their academic qualifications, that has been responsible for them getting their butts kicked. Craig had anywhere from four to eight years of debating PRACTICE before he even started with debating Atheists. You seem to be arrogantly assuming that just because some geek philosopher can correctly label all the fallacies in a mid-term essay then somehow he'll do good in a debate. Not so. 


I hope i have clarified some things, though i suspect i have not since i thought my first e-mail was rather clear. Anyway, try not to read this in a mean tone. i like the site, like the topic, again i liked your editorial, but i just think some things could be edited out to make it stronger. Yes i know i have not pointed out much, but I am not a professor who's marking a student's paper, just a philosopher who thinks this site has so much potential but is plagued with some things draggin it down.

Mark here}     Thanks for the niceties, but also remember: this site was written by, and for, the common man. It was not written for the men who've had rich parents to send them to school to get PhD's in topics they'll never be able to get a job in. Anybody who gets a PhD in philosophy obviously has too much time on their hands- the rest of us have to work for a living.











Mark  12-28-03


The Anti-Craig!


12/28/03 9:00:39 AM !!!First Boot!!!





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My side was hurting from your anti-craig crusade.
Unfortunately, my friend I'd have to give odds on
Craig in a Craig-Mark face off.  This dude's been in
the business a long time and your probably commited to
a day job. 

Mark here}    I agree with you. I have the reality to know that right now, he could easily beat me. However, let me off my day job for a year, let me have 3 debates a week for practice, and I guarantee he'd lose. I could beat him right now just on content, but debating in public is a skill and skills need practice to perfect.


 I've heard Craig on the radio a few times
and he appears to be an upstanding articulate
ambassador of Christianity.  Please don't think TBN
represents us anymore than Urkel represents the black

Mark here}    I agree with you, which is why I don't waste a lot of effort on the Christian equivalents of Hurkel. However, more Christians agree with TBN than with Craig, and this fact should not be downplayed. Both ends of the Christian movement need to be dealt with.


After reading your cankerous rebuttals
O.K. I'm with you concerning the time machine trip.
Ostensibly, your stating that Craig is being
disingenuous by not reacting to your "time-machine"
analogy.  O.K. so if Craig just admitted, yes, this
would be disturbing to my worldview but wouldn't
topple it because of convictions regarding a host of
other evidences.  Would you have been satisfied then?

Mark here}    Nope. Craig needs to publicly admit he'll follow either the EVIDENCE or the CHRIST, should a contradiction arise between the two.


That was quite a long rant.




S R   1-3-04

Hello Mr. Smith


    I hope you will read this whole response, it will not be long, but so that you know I am a Christian.  There is only one observation/question (if time does permit you) that I made while reading your site and some of those who have contributed to your site.  The observation deals with truth.  It seems to be implied and sometimes explicitly said that Dr. Craig holds truth subjectively.  Specifically I am referring to the very legit scenario you gave to Dr. Craig when he signed your copy of his book "Reasonable Faith," your scenario said "Dr. Craig, for the sake of argument let's pretend that a time machine gets built. You and I hop in it, and travel back to the day before Easter, 33 AD. We park it outside the tomb of Jesus. We wait. Easter morning rolls around, and nothing happens. We continue to wait. After several weeks of waiting, still nothing happens. There is no resurrection- Jesus is quietly rotting away in the tomb."  After the scenario Dr. Craig gave his reply and it was "that he would STILL believe in Jesus, he would STILL believe in the resurrection, and he would STILL remain a Christian. When asked, in light of his being a personal eyewitness to the fact that there WAS no resurrection, he replied that due to the witness of the "holy spirit" within him, he would assume a trick of some sort had been played on him while watching Jesus' tomb. This self-induced blindness astounded me."   


    My observation was if you and I built a time machine and we went to that day before Easter 33 A.D.  We were parked outside the tomb of Jesus and we waited and then something did happen.  If we saw the tomb open and we saw Jesus walk out of that tomb and walk past our time machine.  And solely for our argument's purpose, Jesus asked you "What now will you do with me?"  How would you respond?  It seems that you try to be a fair person, reading through your website I notice that when an atheists has been wrong you are honest in your judgments; however, I think that most atheist (especially those who are educated) might first make the observation "there is a reasonable explanation for what has just happened," and the word reasonable does not include the concept of a god, especially a god who can act in time and space.  


Mark here}    What would I do? I would run up to Jesus, apologize, and rejoin his religion. Evidence and truth is where my loyalties lay. It was these that got me out of Christianity, and it would be the same that would get me back in. 

You are correct- there probably are Atheists who are the equivalent of Craig, who would not change their thinking regardless of the evidence. It would be fun to pit Craig against such Atheist and see them drive each other nuts.



    I am not a dumb person nor do I consider myself an overly intelligent person.  I do think that for most people atheist or theist, faith is not contingent on reason though it is within reason.  Please permit me to explain what I mean by this statement from my point of view.  I am a Christian.  I believe in a personal God who can act in time and space.  My faith in this personal-acting God is validated by the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth-a miracle, if it did happen.  Believing this miracle did take place is where my faith is not contingent on the confines of my reason.  The second part of my statement  is "though it is within reason."  If everything I knew about Christianity was proven false (not merely questioned, if we could use our time machine to see what is not there), the Bible accounts, the miracles, especially the resurrection--I do not think God or god would expect me to believe in Jesus.  The point might be to know which reasoning is right is very important. 


Mark here}    You, who think you are not an "overly intelligent person" have just proven yourself to be more intelligent than a man with two PhD's: Craig. Please don't ever let a preacher take away your common sense.


    Thank you for taking the time to read a response from a nobody.  I would like to close my response with a story I heard about the trial of Larry Flint.  During the jury selection process one of the first questions the Flint team of lawyers would ask was "Do you have any church affiliation?"  If the response were "Yes," the person would be dismissed as "having a bias against pornography."  What I do not completely understand is why if the person responded "No" we could not dismiss them as having a bias for pornography.

Mark here}    I can explain this... you're dealing with lawyers here, and the job of a lawyer is to get his client off the hook, NOT uncover the truth.

  Why does belonging to a church, and not so much any church, but rather the Christian Church give anyone the right to quickly dismiss those people as biased and often bigoted, as if  those who do not go to a church are completely unbiased and just?  Ravi Zacharias, a Christian apologist and philosopher, said in a lecture "for most people the problem with Christianity is not intellectual, the problem for most people with Christianity is moral."  G.K. Chesterton said "It is not that Christianity has been tried and found wanting, but that it has been found difficult and left untried." 


Mark here}    If by moral he means that Christianity tends to corrupt good morals, I agree. Any religion that gives it members a blank check of unlimited forgiveness for sins is inviting people to sin. And every study ever done confirms that, as a group, Atheists are a HELL of a lot more moral than Christians. In fact, if everyone in America would become an Atheist the crime rate would almost vanish. For more details on Atheist  vs  Christian crime rates, see:  

Atheists in America:


    I really do look forward to hearing your comments if time permits you.  


    I do pray that my God would reveal himself to you in a way that you will understand. 


    Thank you for your time Mr. Smith.


God Bless,

S. R.              


James   1-15-04



My Friend Bill


1/15/04 3:15:04 AM !!!First Boot!!!




Sent from the Internet (Details)


Hi Mark,

Marvelous work to get your site to be the second link that shows up under a
search on William Lane Craig.  

Mark here}    It's quite a shocker to me too- on several different internet search engines, my humble site shows up near the top. I don't know exactly why- must be doing something right!

My guess is that there's alot of Christians who are shocked and disappointed to see Craig's REAL feelings towards objective facts  -vs-  subjective inner feelings. For most Atheists, this is what they'd expect anyway, so it'd be no big deal. But for Christians- it's a real eye opener!

After all, Craig's "logic" is something they'd expect from a couple of Mormon kid missionaries, not a double PhD defender of the faith like Craig. 

I think Craig is unaware of the damage he is doing to his own core of supporters, and is in grave danger of biting the hand that feeds him.


I couldn't agree more with your comments on
Craig debating turkeys, although I have seen him debate a non-PH.D (Frank
Zindler from Ohio at Willow Creek Community Church in the suburbs of
Chicago).  Now that was in the early 90s, so perhaps after destroying
Zindler and his self-defeating naturalistic positions, Craig instituted this
PH.D-only policy so as to avoid the appearance of beating the pulp out of
intellectual light-weights?

Mark here}    It would help sort out alot of nutcases right off the bat- both Christian AND Atheist. However, if that were his intention, he could have just banned debating nutcases outright. And as a filter for nutcases, a PhD is a poor guarantee. We've almost all had professors in college that were PhD's  AND certifiably nuts! What Craig has done smacks more of intellectual snobbery.

On page 37 of Reasonable Faith, when Craig says "...as long as reason is a
minister of the Christian faith, Christians should employ it", he's not
suggesting that good reason would ever conflict with the Christian faith -
and that we should ignore reason when that happens.  Not at all. (<--to use
a Craig line) 

Mark here}    Uhhh, I hate it when a Christian feels he has to tell me what someone REALLY meant when he said this or that. I know how to read, and I know how to think- and Craig (or, for that matter, Jesus) doesn't need a spin doctor to try to UN-do what he said and meant. It is plain for all to see- and for those who are hard-headed, that is why I did the Time Machine hypothetical on him- so there'd be no question at all what he meant.



 Craig's idea here is that he believes that reason is always
valid - and to the extent that reason itself is applied to the Christian
faith (because obviously reason can be applied in realms of truth in the
universe - say mathematics - that in and of themselves have nothing to do
with Christian theology), it will be a 'minister' of the good news of Jesus
Christ and should be used as such - that is, as a component of evangelism. 

Mark here}    And, to paraphrase Craig: what happens should REASON and RELIGION ever conflict??? You don't mention THAT reality. I could take your exact same logic and apply it just as well to Atheism:

reason is always valid - and to the extent that reason itself is applied to Atheism... it will be a 'minister' of Atheism and should be used as such

As they say, that which proves too much proves too little. Your logic, as I've demonstrated, can be applied to any system of thought- so it proves nothing. 


It seems clear that Craig's respect for reason shines through in his book
and debates - and it's intellectually hypocritical to read into Craig's
remarks the way you do and build some big attack around it.  

Mark here}    Hey, it's right from the horse's mouth- I didn't have to "read in" anything! Go back and read my web page! If you're not seeing what everybody else is seeing, I suggest you get your glasses fixed- or a mental block removed, THEN take another look. It's there- right out of the closet in the bright sunshine for all to see. Craig places inner subjective feelings over and above external objective facts.


This reminds me
of what Zindler did - he created this ridiculous straw man of what
Christianity was supposedly all about and then he turned around and tore
apart some belief system that had nothing to do with Christianity.  Trouble
is, most of the audience had a basic Sunday School background and new that
Frankie baby was nuts.

I was also interested in your confusion of two concepts - inner, fuzzy
feelings and the witness of the Holy Spirit.

Mark here}    Bingo! Here's your problem- you (like Craig) think that if they are YOUR inner subjective feelings THEN of course they HAVE TO BE the "Holy Spirit", whereas if a Mormon or whoever has the EXACT SAME INNER SUBJECTIVE FEELINGS, why, dat's the devil!!!!!

I hope to see Bill in March and will tell him you said hi.

- James


Robert Hitchcock 1-23-04




1/23/04 10:37:35 PM !!!First Boot!!!





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                             IS FAITH MORE THAN A FEELING?


     I have followed the controversy over whether or not William Lane Craig is a closet Irrrationalist with the hope that some Christian Intellectual somewhere would  answer one simple question.  Namely: 

What is the  nature of this thing called the "objective witness of the holy spirit?"  

From the vagueness of the replies offered by various Christians to this simple question, I am led to conclude that Mr. Smith is correct in his assessment of Dr. Craig's epistemic system and view of Reality as essentially being one of "blind faith" and irrationalistic  at its core.   The whole thrust of Craig's book-{Reasonable Faith} is one long attempt by a very intelligent man to intellectually justify his "faith" in  the irrational {Christianity} and its claims for the  Resurrection of its Man-God, Yeshua of Nazareth.


   Mr. Smith is to be applauded  for offering far more than Craig's vaunted "five good reasons,' as to why the Dapper Don is a blind faither who struggles to explain in cogent and rational terms, his existentialist "leap of faith."  


Craig insists that his "faith in Jesus" is based upon  an "objective" historical event called the Resurrection, yet when pressed for objective, verifiable evidences of this so-called historical event, the best " objective proof" he offers the inquirer is the "objective testimony of the holy spirit."  It appears that Craig is either unwilling and/or incapable of coherently articulating the exact nature of this piece of "objective, verifiable data."  I was there the night Dr. Craig signed his book-Reasonable Faith," for Mr. Smith and witnessed first-hand the otherwise loquacious [Mark's Note: i.e. normally chatty] Apologist become laconic and evasive in his responses to Mr. Smith's inquires about the nature of this "objective testimony of the holy spirit,"


   Dr. Craig's various trance chanellers [i.e. apologists} also refuse to admit the obvious subjectivity of their own salvation experience.  For they know that their so-called Faith in Christ is no more and no less "subjective" than the "faith" of their theological kinsmen's belief in the testimony of the  validity of the Book of Mormon.  At least the LDS holy spirit offers the Mormon believer empirical proof in the form of the "holy heart-burn" or the burning of the bosom, spoken of by the Emmanain witnesses  in the canonical gospels! Is this Reasonable Faith as Well?  Inquiring minds wish to know!


Mark Smith here}    What can I say, but that Robert has made some excellent points here. Christian Geeks can hem and haw and use all the intellectual IQ points they have- but they won't score any points with the rest of humanity by trying to rationally defend the irrational. All of the nit-picking evidenced in Christian Geek emails on this web page, rather than making Craig look justified, makes the Geeks look like Bill Clinton "is-is" wannabe idiots.



For Craig,   FACTS are outranked by FAITH, and FAITH by FEELINGS. For Craig, his inner feelings are #1. Why is it so hard for  Christian Geeks to see this? Must they defend EVERYthing one of  "their own" writes, just because he's one of their own??? Have they no mind OF their own??? Hell, I've blasted fellow Atheists when they fucked up- at least I'm intellectually honest- that's alot more than can be said of Christian Geeks.

Craig was asked that night, by me,  to provide details other than mushy feel-good inner feelings for his inner testimony of the holy spook, JUST LIKE I USED TO ASK OF THE MORMONS WHEN I WAS A CHRISTIAN. And the LACK OF answers from Craig AND the Mormons proves beyond a doubt that both Craig AND the Mormons are in the same boat on this. CRAIG = MORMON = CRAIG. Why is this so hard for  Geek Christians to see? And why is Craig still selling a book called "Reasonable Faith" when obviously HIS faith hasn't a damn thing to do with "reason"????

Robert WAS THERE by my side when I was trying (trying as hard as someone "pulling teeth") to get Craig to give ANY objective backing to his mushy inner feelings he labels as "holy spirit". HE DIDN'T. And he can't. And ANY person who, in the final analysis, grounds their belief in a feeling RATHER THAN FACT- even when the FACTS PLAINLY SAY OTHERWISE (i.e. my time machine), is acting like a fucking NUT. There is not a RATS ASS worth of difference between Craig's claimed inner feelings, and some drunk in detox seeing pink elephants, other than the drunk eventually sobers up. We're still waiting for Craig.





Jeff Lowder   Kris Key   A Running Dialog   2-27-04


Mark Smith here}    This was sent to me in several emails, with pasting and re-pasting and re-re-re... you get the picture. Anyway, I have edited as best I can, and cut out sections not related to the topic of Contra Craig.


 Subj: Fwd: why craig wont debate you
Date: 2/27/2004 4:24:52 PM Eastern Standard Time

Doug writes:
At least someone in their little clique may be honest. Craig knows I don't pull punches. He knows I'd roast the crap out of him if his testicles were ever to descend and he actually agreed to debate me.


Dear Doug

I just read your email on Mark Smiths website. I am
kinda in a funny position as I am friends with Paul
Copan and other apologetics even though I am a more
then a bit irreligious, however not atheistic ( Sorry
but I choose to understand the behavior of atheist in
religious terms, they make more sense that way.
Christians do Young Earth Creationism and Atheist do
the Christ Mything thing, both are rather silly to me)
I do enjoy an occasional debate on this subject

So let me tell you why you haven't got your debate. I
am trying to find a way to say this as kindly as
possible, and please don't quote me on this, Copan and
Craig ( and others) consider you to be a bit of a
blowhard prick and I have read your replies to Copan
and I think you went over the top myself. You seem to
suffer from Robert Price's problem, he doesn't play
nicely and it seems you don't either .

Mark Smith here}    Nice or not nice has nothing to do with finding the truth. As for arrogance, the entire Christian religion in my opinion is a GIANT "blowhard prick". It is arrogant by its very nature, and breeds arrogance like a garbage dump breeds flies. Telling its followers they are "King's kids" and that the entire universe revolves around their petty needs and wants, telling them constantly how SMART they are to have become Christians and how DUMB those dumb-ol Atheists are for NOT being Christians... I could go on, but I won't. Christian Fundies are, in general, arrogant prissy PRICKS that want to shove their religion down everyone's throats, so they are the LAST people to condemn ANYone for being "arrogant". When a Christian door knocker comes to MY door and tells me that his damn god is going to roast MY FAMILY alive- and the asshole SMILES while he's telling me this- just what sort of reaction SHOULD I take??? How would Christians like it if someone came to their door, and told them he was going to rape their wife and burn their house down??? God! If ONLY Christians could see themselves for the assholes that everyone ELSE see them to be!!!

And by the way, I've heard Robert Price speak and debate- he doesn't come across to me as being negative. He comes across as a double PhD who knows what the hell he is talking about and is tired of Fundies who DON'T know what they're talking about trying to "set him straight".

Craig won't debate certain people because he might get his ass kicked. He knows that, and his "handlers" know that. It has nothing to do with who's nice or not nice. Since when do we only fight against people who are "nice" anyway? What kind of lunacy is that? Should Churchill have refused to fight against Hitler because Herr Hitler wasn't "nice"???


Secondly Craig's policy is not an absolute policy.
He makes exceptions for certain people, mainly if they
will be a notable crowd draw. However he tends to use
that rule because for the simple reality a day only
has 24 hours and he simply cannot debate every would
be challenger.

Paul has told me Craig said you can debate him when
you get your PH.D. I am going to hang out with Paul
some on Thursday ( we got to exchange books and we love
comparing civil war antiques) and I will nudge him on
Craig debating you.

Best of wishes



Atheism is best understood as an extension of the scientific mindset. Atheists do the "Christ Mything thing" for the same reason they might do the "Leprechaun Mything thing" if they meet believers in leprechauns. But it's not clear what you mean by "mything." Few atheists hold that Jesus as a religious leader never existed. But they do hold that the miracle-working, divine Jesus of the gospels is a fiction.

You wrote:

So let me tell you why you haven't got your debate. I
am trying to find a way to say this as kindly as
possible, and please don't quote me on this, Copan and
Craig( and others) consider you to be a bit of a
blowhard prick and I have read your replies to Copan
and I think you went over the top myself. You seem to
suffer from Robert Price's problem, he doesn't play
nicely and it seems you don't either .

So calling me a "blowhard prick" is as kind as you can put it, eh? You must have all the kindheartedness of a fundie. Of course, the fact that Craig holds that nonbelievers deserve eternal torture doesn't make him a prick, does it? By the way, I see no reason to refrain from quoting you, as you never got this agreement from me ahead of time. A contract cannot be unilateral. Besides, if Craig doesn't want to debate me on the grounds that he thinks I am an aggressive debater, this is: (a) exactly what I suspected of him all along, and (b) something he should state when he denies me the opportunity to debate him instead of lying about it.

Also, I didn't "go over the top" in replying to Copan's absurd pretense at refutation. Copan pulled this "Hitler is an atheist" canard out of his ass and I just told the truth about it, lubed it up, and left it to him to put it back where he got it from. He should know better! He is not some hack apologist like Ray Comfort or Kent Hovind, hacks that deserve no respect from anyone. Copan has a background in philosophy, so he should know better than to refer to a photograph of Hitler in front of a bust of Nietzsche and pretend that this is evidence that Hitler is an atheist. That was so bad I felt embarassed for him. If Copan doesn't already feel ashamed, he should. How anyone in philosophy can have anything to do with the writings of Zacharias is beyond me. At least Copan didn't have the face to try to salvage Zacharias's silly critique of evolution that I fried in my review of _A Shattered Visage_.

And the fact that Craig and Copan--and Zacharias--advocate biblical ethics, ethics that include endorsing slavery, the oppression of women, racism, genocide, and various other moral views that our society considers unethical, doesn't make them bad guys, does it? I admit that I am aggressive in that I treat those ethics the same way I treat the ethics of Mein Kampf: I roast them, and they have it coming. The bible and Mein Kampf have many ethical views in common, except that Mein Kampf as far as I know didn't endorse slavery outright, as the bible does, although the Nazis did in fact enslave many. Anyone who advocates such ethics has a good roasting coming, and I am just the cook to baste them and serve them up onstage. And Craig knows this. That's why he runs away. And part of his fear in this regard is that he knows that I know the bible well enough to feel comfortable using it in a debate context. If there's one thing fundies really fear, it's their own bible. I've seen that time and time again. Once they see that they can't get away with lying about what it says, or its origins, or other standard misrepresentations, they get uncomfortable and try to change the subject.

No conscientious person in the 21st century has any business defending the conduct of the god of the bible, especially that displayed in the Old Testament. Humanity must move beyond that, and for the most part we have. Our legal system is head and shoulders above anything found in the bible.

I make no apologies for standing up for moral decency.

You wrote:

Secondly Craig's policy is not an absolute policy.
He makes exceptions for certain people, mainly if they
will be a notable crowd draw. However he tends to use
that rule because for the simple reality a day only
has 24 hours and he simply cannot debate every would
be challenger.

I am not just any challenger. Craig makes exceptions for people he thinks he can best. He debated Ron Barrier, who has no college degrees at all, and the whole time he lied to everyone, according to you, when he said that the reason he has declined to debate me (multiple times) is that I don't have a Ph.D. yet, and a Ph.D., he claimed, is a necessary condition to be considered a debate opponent. I have lectured on atheism around the country, debated it, written a book on it, and xian groups on several occasions thought that I was a worthy opponent for Craig. It is not clear to me why Ron Barrier, has no book on atheism, would be a bigger draw than I would be. I don't think that's the reason Craig ducks me at all.

You wrote:

Paul has told me Craig said you can debate him when
you get your PH.D. I am going to hang out with Paul
some on thursday( we got to exchange books and we love
comparing civil war antiques) and I will nudge him on
Craig debating you.

Thanks for putting in a good word for me. By the way, while you're comparing Civil War antiques, see if you can get some of those pro-slavery, bible-based sermons.

Subj: Re: why craig wont debate you 2
Date: 2/28/2004 6:45:38 PM Eastern Standard Time
Bcc: JCnot4me

Doug had written:
And Craig knows
>this. That's why he runs
>away. And part of his fear in this regard is that
>he knows that I know the bible
>well enough to feel comfortable using it in a debate
>context. If there's one
>thing fundies really fear, it's their own bible.
>I've seen that time and
>time again. Once they see that they can't get away
>with lying about what it
>says, or its origins, or other standard
>misrepresentations, they get
>uncomfortable and try to change the subject.

Kris wrote:
Well according to Paul, Craig says, get a Ph.D you get
your debate. I have a hard time thinking of Craif
running, I would say Smith, Ludemann and Crossan
aren't exactly ringer debates. Nor would debating
Robert Price fall into that category. It just might
fall into the category they do not like the way you
act. Its one thing to be a strong debater, another
thing to be a rude one.

I challenge anyone to find any case in which I was rude in one of my debates. I have had eight or nine debates now. I have never been out of line in any of my debates. In my debates I have never been insulting or rude, and I have never resorted to attacking any of my opponents personally. I know that acting that way could turn the audience against me quickly and feed into "angry atheist" stereotypes, so I make sure to be cordial and funny during my debates. In fact, I have on many occasions had xians come up to speak to me after the debate and tell me that I have done a good job and that they can understand my position--but none have accused me of being out of line in any way.

It is the organization that hosts the debate that ought to decide who the opponents should be, and in four cases now, at least, they have decided that it was appropriate to have me debate Craig. If they think I am suited to debate him, and Craig disagrees, he should come clean and explain why this is so. Falsely accusing me of being rude in debates is not going to cut it.


Read your reply to Paul on Z, it dripped with Sarcasm.
A little is ok, to much is in bad taste. However I
have not seen you debate before, so I am telling it as
I recall hearing Paul say it ( I will mention your
name this thursday)

I meant in onstage debates. However, recall that even before I replied to Copan, he had written of me: "Krueger is, unfortunately, quite uninformed about historical issues surrounding the life of Jesus," "His examples concerning omniscience and omnipotence are an attack on a straw man and appear to reveal a lack of awareness of the literature on these issues," "So it is not that the concept of God is incoherent, but that Krueger simply has not done his homework," "A brief perusal through the book by those somewhat familiar with philosophy of religion or biblical interpretation reveals Krueger’s ignoring or failing to grasp certain key issues." And you say _I'm_ not nice?

What about Frank Zindler, a biologist who has no Ph.d. and no background in philosophy, and Eddie Tabash, who is an attorney without a philosophy background, and Ron Barrier, who has no college degrees, and Peter Atkins, a chemist? Why should these nonphilosophers be selected when this is a job for a philosophically trained person?

Posting found on a Web Discussion Thread   March 2004


 Subj: Regarding your William Lane Craig page
Date: 3/15/2004 6:04:25 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: "Lee Pendarvis"
To: JCnot4me@aol.com
Sent from the Internet (Details)

RE: Posting from a web discussion thread:

What do you say in response to this??  By the way I didn't participate in that thread. I am "SkepticBoyLee" on the
infidels site.I was just interested in what you thought about that.


Lee Pendarvis

wow. That's the most pathetic web site I've ever seen. Not that it's that
bad of a website per se, but it speaks to the abundance of free time of the
website designer.

And I hate to call someone a liar to their face, but I'm fairly certain that
site contains quite a few lies. Craig has gone on record in public several
times in saying it is irrational to believe in the Christian faith if the
Ressurection never happened. He's also on record on this point in print, see
for example his book Will The Real Jesus Please Stand Up, a debate he
participated in with John Dominic Crossan. He stresses this point in nearly
ever book or article on the Ressurection he's ever written. I don't know how
anyone could have ever read a single book Craig's written on the
Ressurection and come away with that opinion.

From what I can see, that page is almost entirely full of lies and slander."



Mark Smith here}     Where do I begin?

"liar" comment}     Let me start with the "liar" accusation first. I am sort of glad that these kind of accusations are made, as they indicate the difficulty of the average Christian to really believe what Craig said to me. The nameless poster seems to be short circuiting because what Craig SAID seems to contradict alot of what Craig WROTE. I guess the poster assumes infallibility for Craig then, as he can't ponder the possibility of someone contradicting themself. In fact, this astonishment, this "I can't believe Craig believes that" is the EXACT reason I got Craig to sign the page in his book for me, indicating he really DID believe what he wrote there, as well as why I asked him about the Time Machine scenario. I wanted to give him every opportunity to explain what he REALLY meant. And he did. And that's what's got the poster confused. As for making up this stuff, it's in Craig own book- there is NOTHING I need to make up!  I even put a JPEG photograph of the most offending page right on my Contra Craig web site, complete with the Craig signature, signed in the presence of SEVERAL Christians who were standing in a small group around Craig and myself that night at Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, California. As for the Time Machine question, that same group of Christians were there for THAT as well.

Irrational comment}    So??? That's my whole POINT!!! Craig IS irrational!!! Anyone who would give more credence to a little voice in his head than to cold hard facts is, by definition, irrational. And as for Craig saying things that contradict what he said or wrote earlier, welcome to the real world! We are not infallible, we ALL say some things that contradict things said earlier. So what??? Is the poster implying that Craig CAN NOT contradict himself and therefore Mark Smith must by lying???

Book comment}   
The poster asked: HOW could anyone read a single book Craig wrote and come away with that opinion??? I'll tell you how: IT'S IN CRAIG'S OWN DAMN BOOK "Reasonable Faith"  AS PLAIN AS DAY (see photograph below), which is why to make it even MORE plainer I asked him the Time Machine question, and to remove ALL doubt, I asked Craig to put his John Hancock on the page in question. But in spite of all of these, this numbskull Christian STILL can't see it! The extent of Christian BLINDNESS never ceases to amaze me.


At the bottom of the 3rd paragraph Craig writes:  "The fact is that we can know the truth whether we have rational arguments or not". That statement, indeed, this whole page, clearly shows that Craig is against rationality if and when rationality turns against his religion of choice. Craig doesn't need any facts to "back up" the resurrection- a little voice already gave him all the "proof" he himself needs- and he's already ruled out a-priori any facts that, heaven forbid, go AGAINST the supposed resurrection: even himself as his own eyewitness proving nothing happened on Easter morning via the Time Machine.



Manny Erickson  3-27-04


Subj: Contra Craig...
Date: 3/27/2004 10:37:39 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: "D.E.M."
To: JCnot4me@aol.com
Sent from the Internet (Details)


First off let me say that I was more than impressed by your essay on Craig. You attacked with an agile mind, quick wit, and a great sense of humor. I was doubly impressed by what seems to be your tenacious pursuit of the truth...it is a wonder to me that you are an atheist! Not to say that I would expect someone who exhibits those types of qualities to be a Christian, in fact I think Christians are often some of the most ignorant people on earth. My wonder is not in the fact that a free thinker would not be convinced of Christianity but in that fact that a free thinker would be thoroughly convinced of athiesm. Tell me this is all a gag! That you are just trying to get a laugh! Surely you must grow weary of trying to prove everyone wrong without having a chance in hell to prove your own position. If there ever was an example of a "greasy" postion it is that of the athiest. As an agile debater you must be well aware of this...or have you forgotten? It seems to me that in all your talk of free thought and reason you have adopted a postion for which not a reason can be given. Not one! And I challenge you to do so. In fact I challenge you to present one positive reason for the non-existence of God. I challenge you to present one persuasive arguement that does not involve the negation of another idea(translation: you can toss shit but can you prove it). If you'd like I can save you alot of time and energy, it can't be done!

Mark Smith here}     Since you yourself admit it is impossible to prove your god does not exist (and by the way, it is impossible to disprove the existence of ANY god), why are you asking me to do what you and I both know can't be done? And why are you pretending ignorance of the most fundamental rule of debate:  "he who asserts must prove"??? You must be aware that whoever claims a pink invisible unicorn god exists somewhere in the universe is the one under obligation to prove it. It is NOT the obligation of everyone else to DIS-prove it. Your pretending not to know this already has me questioning your basic integrity.

Is it not a coincidence that your page is entitled "Contra Craig" as if you were to debunk the arguements of one man you would somehow prove the non-existence of God to be a positive proposition.

Mark Smith here}     Uhhh, the page is called "Contra Craig" because it is a page contrary to what Craig teaches. It is NOT a page trying to disprove or prove a god or gods. Doesn't the title "Contra Craig" make that clear? If I had written a page called "Ford Trucks Rule" would you be mocking me for not trying to disprove your god's existence on said page? Or are you so used to being unable to stay on topic you can't understand even the concept of a single page devoted to one topic???

 Or maybe you aren't interested in proving atheism maybe you just want to piss off Christians and show them how deluded they are, demonstrate to the world that Christians in general and their beloved hero William Lane Craig in particular are about as sane as Michael Jackson at a slumber party. So you spend all this time building a website, writing lenghty articles, finding quality links, and responding to e-mails just to prove that one of the millions of options that oppose atheism, nay one of the thousands of defenders of one of the millions of options that oppose atheism, is a truth suppressing delusionist. If that isn't a bit psyhcotic buddy I don't know what is 

Mark Smith here}     That's right- you DON'T know what "psychotic" is. Why don't you try looking it up in a dictionary (if you own one) and learn what it means before you go using it again. You know, my earlier statement about your PRETENDING to be ignorant- I may have been wrong in my assumption.


(I would find some article from an indisputable source like Newsweek to defend that statement but I don't have time just yet). You know what though Mark I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt. I am going to say that you are trying to prove atheism in some sort of round about way. Yes sir, I am going to say that for some reason, unbeknownst to the rest of us, it actually matters what people believe in a world with no God, and that you know what that reason is, and have embarked on a quest to release us all from our ignorance. What is your motivation for such an act? The pursuit of the truth. And what makes the pursuit of truth so important in a universe without God? Uh...well..uh. Where did you receive this noble call to enlighten others? From yourself? So what makes you think that some subjective sense of importance crafted by none other than yourself(this means that you have deluded yourself) is more or less valid then another man's subjective sense of importance(namely William Lane Craig's) created by himself? Let me guess you say so. I don't think that is gonna stand up in the court of reason Mark.

When are you poor atheist's going to learn that there is no meaning or purpose or worth in a world for which there is no God?

Mark Smith here}     Oh yeah, as if you guys got something better to offer! At least the Muslims offer 70 virgins, and the Mormon's offer you can become a god. What do you guys plan on doing with you supposed eternity? I can tell you, right from the book of Revelation: sitting around the throne of Biblegod 24/7 singing the SAME damn song for ALLLLLLLLLLLL eternity. Wow! Now THERE is "meaning and purpose"!!!! You poor schmucks don't even have a clue as to how to have fun with the few years you have here on earth, and your religion is planning THAT for the encore??? Ha ha ha ha ha. Dude- GET A LIFE!!!


You materialists believe you can prove that there is a tree but you can not prove that the statement there is a tree is meaningful. There are only objects. There is only matter and things concrete. Ideas and thoughts and interpretations are not concrete and therefore do not exist. Yet if ideas and thoughts and interpretations do not exist or are at the most illusions produced as the by-product of matter in motion what reason do we have for believing that matter is all there is. Let me put it this way if conciousness is an illusion then what reason have we for believing that the picture of the world this illusion gives us is true? And if we can not provide a valid reason for believing what the illusion tells us then how do we believe it? Let me help you out Mark...by faith...not reasonable faith, plain ole' blind faith. By now I am afraid that I have made your eyes glaze over with all this philosophy so let me give you an illustration to point out your hypocrisy.

Mark Smith here}     Blah blah blah blah blah. Just unable to stay on topic, aren't you? Just gotta drift into your own little pet topic where you're comfortable. Well, go drift somewhere else. My page "Contra Craig" deals ONLY WITH things pertaining to Craig. You want to ramble on about the price of tea in China, go somewhere else. I'm not going to waste my time being pulled off topic by yet another undisciplined Christian. When discussing a topic, learn how to stay ON topic. The rest of your email is lined out for being off topic.

Lets pretend that you were born isolated in another world and that the only interaction with other people you had was with some guy named Dave. Now Dave had been around at least as long as you and Dave taught you everything you knew. He taught you that you were a human being, and that the you lived on the planet earth, and that the earth was part of the solar system, and so on and so forth. He taught you this way your whole life until your 41st birthday were he proceeds to tell you calmly that he is not real. At first you are skeptical but he insists. Dave doesn't disappear...no he stays. In fact he is still your teacher only now he is teaching you the many reasons why he doesn't exist. One by one he piles them up until you become a staunch advocate of the fact that Dave doesn't exist. What is your reasoning? Dave said so. Now the question comes...if Dave is an illusion then what reason have you for believing anything Dave says is actually true. A man wandering in the desert may see a mirage that signals help is on the way, but if he knows it to be a mirage does he believe what it says? What sense does it make to believe a hallucination...it'd kind of be like believing Casper the Ghost.

"Dave" is reason itself. The atheist version of Casper, the atheist version of the Holy Spirit. Only the Christian actually believes that the Holy Spirit is a real enitity. The atheist admits that "Dave" is an illusion. The Christian admits that much of what they believe they believe by faith. The atheist mocks the faith of the Christian and pretends that all they do is based on reason. What is reason based on Mark? What is the anchor? Because if you can not provide a basis for reason, all reason goes out the window, including the reason for atheism. And if you believe in reason by faith then you are no better then Craig.

You may be a thinker Mark but you have not thought deep enough. Even if every arguement given for the existence of God were to be proved wrong it would not make God go away if he were there. If he is real he is real no matter what we say about it. Can you prove otherwise? Can you really give a compelling reason to the contrary? Can you make some modifications to your time machine and take it through the clouds into the courts of heaven and bring us back pictures of an empty throne? Are you really able to settle it once and for all? Mark, my advice to you is, if you want to be a "thinker" let alone a "free thinker" that you find another worldview. Atheism kicks everyone in the ass including the atheist. Why do you think agnosticism is so popular? Truth is everyone exercises faith. Hopefully their faith is based off of reason. And hopefully their reason is based off of something valid.

-Manny Erickson




RE   ContraSmith Website


Table o' Contents  for  ContraSmith Website  Responses









Shirley  7-6-04



Shirley 7-6-04
Dear Mark Smith,
What were some of the factual errors Contra Smith made about you and your website? Please, be
    --Shirely Rose



Mark Smith  7-7-04
Hey Shirely (if that's who you really are); I intend to go thru and do a comprehensive reply some time in the future, so I'm not going to detail
every single one just for your entertainment.

However, since you asked, I will name at least one: the Shermer-Gish debate at UCLA. ContraSmith says that I was wrong as labeling that as a debate between an Atheist and a Christian. The fact is, the members of Atheists United that were there that night, as well as many others, were quite surprised to hear Shermer, in the middle of the debate, say he wasn't an Atheist after all! He had sure made himself out to appear to be one up till then, and all the Atheist groups had been behind him based on that assumption. We were as caught off guard as I'm sure Gish was. On top of that, we had all come to see (as advertised) a DEBATE. Shermer nixed that idea too in his speech by basically surrendering- saying that he didn't WANT a debate. So he called it a "meta-debate".

That is all for now. In general, the author(s) of ContraSmith did a good job, and I enjoyed reading it.




Shirley  7-8-04
First off, yes, I'm Shirley. Secondly, then technically that debate between Gish and Shermer wasn't an Atheist-vs-Christian debate. Why didn't you explain that on your website?


Mark Smith 7-8-04
Hello Again;
What part of what I wrote did you not understand? Let me try to make it as  clear as possible. EVERYone who entered the doors that night entered with the  understanding that this was a debate between an ATHEIST and a CHRISTIAN. I  went to see a debate between an ATHEIST and a CHRISTIAN. Everybody else did likewise. What the web page said was, and I quote,

I have also attended several Christian-vs-Atheist debates.

What I ATTENDED was a debate between an Atheist and a Christian. Shermer was  STILL an Atheist more than half way into the debate. What I LEFT that night  was a debate between a confused stressed out ex-Atheist and a Christian. It's  not my fault if he changed horses that night and came out of the closet as a quasi-religious whatever. All I know is that EVERYbody- HUNDREDS of people  that attended, attended what was a debate between an Atheist and a Christian.
If you want to nit-pick that, go ahead. I've got more important things to do  with my life.
   ---Mark Smith



Shirley  7-8-04
This is my problem, son. You KNEW that AFTER the debate Shermer was NOT an atheist yet you decided to put up the fact that this WAS an ATHEIST-vs Christian debate on your website. Now, you have the convoluted idea that he SUDDENLY changed into an agnostic during the debate! You have serious issues. I've listened to Shermer before and he always made it clear that he was an agnostic.


Mark Smith  7-8-04
Dear Shirley;
I don't intend to waste any more time on trying to get you to see the obvious. You are either playing Christian word games with me, or you are dumber than dumb. If it isn't clear to you by now that there is confusion as to just what the hell Shermer REALLY is, I sure can't help you.

As to the confusion over Shermer's REAL beliefs (which is the REAL issue here), here are some FACTS. Any confusion that may be out there seems to originate in Shermer himself. My gut feeling is that Shermer found out that  being a Skeptic in our religious culture is easier than being an Atheist. At least being a Skeptic offers hope to the Christians that one day he may fall on THEIR side of the fence rather than the other side.


Mark Smith  7-16-04
In summation, "Shirley" (aka Frank Walton) doesn't seem to get it, and I don't feel like beating it to death. If it's too much for Frank to comprehend, so be it. It just seems strange that he doesn't understand that it's what a person IS (or is thought to be) before the debate begins that determines what to label the debate. It's the label the debate is given BEFORE the debate even begins, that goes down in the history books.  For example, if a Mormon debated a Baptist, it'd be called a "Mormon-Baptist" debate and go down in the history books as such, EVEN IF half way thru the debate the Baptist converted to become a Mormon. Of course, if you'd ask Frank, he'd want to then call it a "Mormon-Mormon" debate. A week later, if another debate was held between the same two men, then yes, Frank could call it a "Mormon-Mormon" debate, even if one of the men converted to Islam half way thru the debate.




I'm Confused: Is or Is Not Shermer an Atheist???

Is An Atheist:     “I’ve heard Shermer say, 'I’m an Atheist I don’t believe in God'” (1)

Is An Atheist:    Shermer said he had once been a born-again Christian and that he went door-to-door with the Christian message. He said he had been a sort of Amway salesman with Bibles. Shermer said after much thought and study he became a born-again atheist but he said he is now probably more of a born-again agnostic. (2)

Is An Atheist:    On the website "CelebrityAtheists.com" we find the name: Michael Shermer.  (4)

Is An Atheist:    Shermer... would appear to be a closet atheist... Shermer, like Vidal's Confucius, knows that many traditions are absurd, but is afraid to say so frankly.   ...Is it because he still has one foot stuck in his Christian past?  (5)

Is An Atheist:     Michael Shermer:  As a statement about my personal beliefs and habits, I am a nontheist. I assume and act as if there is no God.


Is Not:     I knew Gish had a lengthy section in his presentation on the evils of atheism as a technique to destroy his opponents (who typically are atheists), so I made a point of stating in my introduction, loud and clear, that I am not an atheist. (A)

Is Not:     Shermer said he had once been a born-again Christian and that he went door-to-door with the Christian message. He said he had been a sort of Amway salesman with Bibles. Shermer said after much thought and study he became a born-again atheist but he said he is now probably more of a born-again agnostic.  (B)

Is Not:     "Gish said during the debate that since I  [Michael Shermer] am an "atheist-evolutionist" (his favorite term) I was NEVER a born-again Christian"  (3)

In my book, How We Believe, I defined myself as an agnostic instead of atheist. (C)


Is Not:     In his book Why People Believe Weird Things he [Shermer] states, "Gish refused to retract his characterization of me as an atheist. As Darwin said, 'An Agnostic would be the more correct description of my state of mind'"

Is Not:     In How We Believe, Shermer states, "As for my part, I used to be a theist, believing that God's existence was soluble. Then I became an atheist, believing that God's nonexistence was soluble. I am now an agnostic, believing that the issue is insoluble"

Is Not:     To resolve the question I asked Shermer directly. He responded: As a statement about the universe I am agnostic, in the sense that God's existence or nonexistence is neither provable nor disprovable.

Is Not:     However, he doesn't consider himself as an atheist, but simply as a
non-theist. (E)

1)  Krista Bontrager  speaking in response to a question by "Ed" on the Hugh Ross radio show "REASONS TO BELIEVE", 2/17/04. This section may be listened to online via: How can Michael Shermer  promote both atheism and religious pluralism?

2)  March 19, 2002  Debate between Hugh Ross & Michael Shermer, http://www.bibleandscience.com/otherviews/shermer.htm 

3) Michael Shermer, describing the debate between himself and Gish
Thursday, June 7, 2001 Phoenix, AZ as reported in the
North Texas Skeptics newsletter for June 16, 2001.

4)  http://www.celebatheists.com/

5)  Shermer: Closet Atheist.  by David Rand http://atheisme.ca/livres/ms/hwb_en.html#closet

A) Why People Believe Weird Things, Michael Shermer, WH Freeman and Company. NY, 1997. p.136

B) March 19, 2002  Debate between Hugh Ross & Michael Shermer, http://www.bibleandscience.com/otherviews/shermer.htm

C)  Michael Shermer in:  http://www.skeptic.com/brightBrouhaha.html

D)  Celebrity Atheists webpage, http://www.celebatheists.com/entries/atheist_33.html#3

E)  Report on the debate between Geiveet & Shermer at The Church at Rocky Peak, Chatsworth, CA, Nov. 15, 1998 http://www.ccir.ed.ac.uk/~jad/vantil-list/archive-Nov-1998/msg00022.html





Frank Walton  7-6-04
In a message dated 7/6/2004 3:57:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Frank Walton writes:

>Hey Marky,
>Thanks for being a sport by putting a link to our website. We were hoping you would respond. But, oh well... Anyway, we hope you didn't take any personal insults personally (like calling you a "moron" or that you're blind to objective reality). It was just a satiritcal jab at ya is all.
>Anyway, since you've decided to not respond to our charges against your website - and instead you tried to "condescend" us with "why is Mark linking to a site that hopes to prove Mark is full of crap. Good question. I do so so that all may see the weakness of the Christian arguments. I do so so that all may realize that 'Hey, if THIS is the best they can come up with to refute what Mark has written, maybe what Mark has written is true after all.'" {this is question begging really - we're only to deduce that you have no real reply. Ah, but you had this to say, which isn't much: "Unfortunately, the college students that put up ContraSmith do NOT have any strong arguments, just more philosophical hot air that basically says that if Craig CLAIMS to have had a religious experience, that's all the evidence these college boys need, yessireebob."
>You said, "I've changed things in this site before due to what some have pointed out to me, and I can change them again." For our sake, Marky, please don't change anything. We like the way the website is. Especially, the part where you "criticize" Dr. Craig's book. We want you stay as your arrogant self :)
>You asked, "Where's the beef?" We have it for you, Marky. Do you want it well done? Because we pretty much cooked your arguments.
>Anyway, now you're asking for miracles. Personally, we don't think that's the subject of Chapter 1 in Dr. Craig's book.
>Thanks for enjoying our website. Personally, we find yours more amusing.
>Yours in Christ,
>Frank Walton and Friends



Mark Smith  7-15-04
Dear "Frank"
Let's just cut thru the crap. As I've said on my website, I'm willing to bet my life that your Biblegod doesn't exist. Are YOU willing to bet yours that he does??? We'll see.

Frank Walton  7-16-04
Dear "Mark"
Am I willing to bet that He does? Of course! What do you think?! I'm a Christian! Anyway, I'm waiting for a response on contrasmith... will there be a challenge?



Mark Smith here:     So Frank, you're willing to take the bet, or are you just blowing more hot air??? In case you forgot, THIS is the bet:


The Challenge to Lukewarm Christians

In front of hundreds of Atheists and Christians, I challenge ANY modern prophet or preacher to reproduce what Elijah did, and I am willing to bet my life that he can't: I offer MYSELF as the target of Biblegod's "fire from heaven".  IF Biblegod zaps me with fire and turns me into a crispy critter, THEN all the Atheists, per pre-signed agreements, will convert on the spot to Christians and burn their Atheistic books. 

However, IF after one hour of prayers and preaching Biblegod has NOT zapped me with fire, all of the Christians present will have to publicly BURN ALL THEIR BIBLES, denounce God and Jesus (verbally and in writing),  AND to prove their sincerity, they will have to step up to the mic and "blaspheme the Holy Spirit" since they no longer believe it exists anyway. 

I happen to KNOW that I am right, and I am willing to bet my life on it. Are there any Christians out there willing to bet THEIR life? How about just their faith in a make-believe god? We'll see.


If you are game to do the above, let's start setting up the details, and schedule it for Sunday, October 10, 2004  in Hollywood California. I'm sure that CFI-West  (the Center for Inquiry, West)  would be more than happy to sponsor this event. I'll have my lawyer draw up the contract for all the Christians to sign, and we can have our first organizational meeting Sunday, August 15, 2004 at the CFI building to hash out the details. Let the whole world see the do-nothing flimsy cardboard cutout gods you Christians worship. I'm betting my LIFE on this; all you're betting is your religion.

Note to Readers- August 3, 2004}  I'm still waiting for this Xtian to put his money where his mouth is. Lest anybody be holding their breath in anticipation, you can exhale.


David Davis  8-2-04

Subject: note on webpage
Date: 8/2/2004 10:52:51 PM Pacific Standard Time
Reply To:
To: JCnot4me@aol.com



Mr. Smith,
Thank you. Your webpages were quite an interesting read. Not to mention scathingly brutal and at times childish (but I suppose we must have fun with our work). I have often wondered if there was anyone out there who would spend the time to 'contra' William Lane Craig.
However, I must ask: how much time did you spend on this? I mean, were you bored one day, and thought, perhaps I should bash some Christian apologists? I don't mean to dabble in one of the oldest arguments in the book, but if Craig's arguments are so irrational, what is the point of spending so much time contradicting them?

Mark Smith here:     If Mormon or Jehovah Witness arguments are "so irrational" what is the point of an entire cottage industry within mainline xtianity having developed just to "contradict them"????

Although, I was quite amazed at Craig's response to your time-machine analogy. As someone who has read Craig's works, and is a Christian, I would have to take issue with him on that. If Jesus did not rise from the dead (which seems to be the point of the story), then no, there is no point in Christianity. Even the Apostle Paul admits this.

Mark Smith here:     THANK YOU!!!! At least there's ONE thinking Christian left in the world! And were I still a Christian, I'd be saying the same thing. Craig needs to be brought back in from cloud 9 by the fold.

Nevertheless, while I shall continue to read your webpages further, I wondered: if faith is not to be trusted, then what should humanity put its trust in? Reason? Our five senses? What?

Mark Smith here:     Trust reason? Better that than wishful thinking. And much better than trusting a documented and confirmed liar like Jesus. Why do YOU trust a man who openly LIED about a "second coming"???

False Prophet- Liar, Fraud!

I truly would like to know your thoughts on this. Most atheists and "freethinkers" that I have met seem content on brushing God aside but few seem willing to embrace the dark abyss, the void that human reason tumbles down (as Nietzsche warned), once God is gone. So, what do you think we can hold on to?

Mark Smith here:     Not onto a liar, that's for sure. And assuming you're an adult, why do you feel the need to "hold onto" anything??? You're a big boy- can't you walk without an imaginary holding hand???

David Davis

Chad Wiebe 9-6-04

Subject: Schaeffer
Date: 9/6/2004 8:12:10 AM Pacific Standard Time
Reply To:
To: JCnot4me@aol.com

I just wanted to make a few comments about Christianity. Faith and reason are not opposed to each other. They fit perfectly and there are perfect answers to all your objections to Jesus. It's funny that you would spend so much time attacking a christian who doesn't need proof or believe in objective truth in order to prove your stance. It doesn't seem like you are interested in finding out the truth by the way you mock christianity so I won't go into great detail here although I believe I could win a debate between you and I. If ever you are interested in learning about the Truth, i suggest you read Francis Schaeffer's trilogy. The God Who is There, Escape from Reason, and He is There and He is Not Silent. I think your objections would be answered, that is , if you still believe in objective truth and reason. There is no leap of faith, there is Reason.
Chad Wiebe

Mark Smith here:     So, IF there really are "perfect answers to ALL" of my objections to Jesus, maybe next time you write you could at least show me ONE answer??? (I'm not holding my breath, for I know you are lying, and are merely using inflated rhetoric because you're too lazy to do the work.)

As for the books you mentioned, I've already read Schaeffer's books, back when I was a Christian, and what stands out even to this day is Schaeffer's contention that way too many Christians just don't THINK when it comes to religious matters. He said they can think logically about everything else, but when it comes to their religion they sort of put the whole thing into an "upper story" where the rules and logic of real life don't apply. If Schaeffer thought Christians were being unreasonable back when he wrote these books, he'd be turning in his grave to see the way his religion of choice has de-evolved into the anti-evidence, anti-logical group it is today.


Chad Wiebe 9-10-04

Subject: Schaeffer
Date: 9/10/2004 3:30:24 PM Pacific Standard Time
Reply To:
To: JCnot4me@aol.com


Hello Mark

Schaeffer said that christians put their religion in the upper story and that was exactly the problem.  The rest of his book tells you why you don't have to do this.  Maybe read it again and see what he says.

Mark Smith here:     I don't need to read it again- he said, as you yourself agreed, that Christians tend to put their religion in the upper story. That was true when he wrote it, and I think it's even more true now. The intellectual level of Christians has significantly degraded since he wrote that- if he was disappointed at Joe Christian SixPack back then, he'd be having fits about how today's Christians have just about taken their brains out entirely and thrown them away.


If there is no God and we came from nothing, then ultimately, in reality humans ARE nothing.  Even if you say we came from some cosmic dust or particles(and you would have to explain how they came to be)we would in essence be dust with no soul.  Water cannot rise above its' source and we cannot have personality with an impersonal beginning.  Therefore as communication is impossible between rocks, so would it be impossible for us.  Obviously you don't believe that or you wouldn't spend so much time communicating.  If we are ultimately from nothing, then both life and death become meaningless because Nothing has no desires or hopes or life and if that is what we are, why are you concerned about the death of children in the bible for example? 

Mark Smith here:     And what "big meaning", pray tell, does being a Christian offer? Only the promise of spending all of eternity sitting around Biblegod's throne singing the same song over and over and over and over and after every repetition of the song the 24 elders fall down and grovel like a bunch of fanatical Muslims.


Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under his wings. Day and night they never stop saying: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come." 9Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, 10the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne, and worship him who lives for ever and ever  (Revelation 4: 8-10)

Oh yeah, now THAT really has meaning! Wow! THAT makes me want to run out, find the nearest priest, pry him off of the choirboy's wang, and confess my sins to him. Yeah, THAT eternity REALLY has meaning.


They cannot have meaning if they are in reality nothing or souless dust.  No man can live as if there is no meaning, even you find meaning in life or you wouldn't bother living.  However if there is a God, then suddenly life has meaning and morals exist.  Then the life of children have meaning and communication is possible.  You cannot have a sense of right and wrong if you are just dirt. 

Mark Smith here:     Oh yeah, I forgot: morals didn't exist before you Christians came around and invented them. Of course, your HOT AIR unfounded claims here fly in the face of the cold objective evidence that us Atheists KICK YOUR CHRISTIAN ASSES when it comes to morality. It's not the Atheists that fill up our prisons- it's you Christians, with your "moral blank checks", your Jesus "get out of hell free" cards. YOUR religion encourages people to be immoral, for anything you guys do a simple "sorry God" makes it right.


 It is not immoral to hurt dirt.  I have not yet said that the God of the bible is the true God, but the first step is to see that you cannot communicate or even tell someone that they are wrong if we are in reality just dirt. 

Mark Smith here:     Oh oh, now it comes thru: I'm dealing with a Bahsonite! Arrrghhhhh!!!! How did I get suckered into wasting my time on yet another of you incoherent numbskulls???

 If you speak to me and tell me that you and I came from nothing or from some primordial soup then I can do nothing but laugh at your attempt at communication.  Soup does not communicate. On what basis do you speak to me?  How can I know that what you say has meaning.  My language has meaning because I know where I come from and what gives me meaning.  In the atheist world, there is no basis for meaning.  An atheist has no answer for epistomology. 

Mark Smith here:     This is SUCH a crock of shit, I leave it to my readers to see it for themselves. And YOU, you arrogant PRICK, how dare you assume that only people of your own little wacky beliefs are the only human beings of worth. YOU have no "basis of meaning". Hey, I hear your Biblegod calling- time to add more meaning to your life and kiss his holy ass- quick, go grovel to your deity- quick, before your life loses its "meaning".


Here is a classic argument for the existence of God.  I think it holds some value.  Everything is either dependant or self-existent.  You and I depend on many things to exist(food, air etc)  But not everything can be dependant.  Everything dependant leans on that which is prior to it.  If everything cannot be dependant then something must be self existent.  The God of the bible?  Maybe, but none the less, there has to be an all powerfull(self existent)personal(for meaning to exist)being.  Any other explanation is sheer absurdity in its attempt at meaning.  There is much more to be said but I suspect you might have something to say by now!  Reread Schaeffer and let's talk again.Chad

Mark Smith here:     Hey, here's one for you: your Jesus was a FALSE PROPHET. How about you deal with that first, eh???



Subject: william craig question...
Date: 9/27/2004 7:41:29 AM Pacific Standard Time
Reply To:
To: JCnot4me@aol.com


Hello Mark-
Instead of whining about Bill Craig's PhD only
policy, why don't you get one yourself and debate
him? I'm really not trying to throw rocks at
you, but come on...! I think we both know the
reason Michael Martin stepped down at the last

Mark Smith here:     Nathan, I have more important things going on in my life than to jump thru whatever hoops Bill Craig happens to have up at the moment. I am not obsessed with the man where I would restructure my life for the next several years to get a PhD just to spend an hour debating the man in public.

I am more than able to debate Craig without getting a PhD in whatever, and if and when he wants to debate, he knows about this web site of mine.


Andrew 4-28-05

Subject: Nice web page
Date: 4/28/2005 5:39:24 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
Reply To:
To: JCnot4me@aol.com

You must really be tired of getting your butts kicked by Ol' Craig eh?
Eventually, you'll get the picture: It's not Craig that you are unable to
defeat, but truth which you are unable to defeat. I'm sure it makes you
frustrated but, besides Craig, you also have Alvin Plantiga, Norman Geisler,
and many others. All of which simply state philosophical truths that cannot
be torn down by unfounded absurdities. I have to laugh at the idea that you
think its Craig that is kicking every atheist's butt though...thats great.


Mark Smith here:     You find it humorous that I am honest about Atheists losing to Craig? You find honesty humorous? Oh, that's right- you're a churchaholic- you're not exposed to much honesty. I guess you would find it strange.

As for your comment on "truth", you need to direct that towards Craig, who has already disavowed any need for it in reaching his religious conclusions.